Tom Artrocker meets Howard Devoto of Magazine - Part 2

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Quite a lovely couple of interviews ! A good while ago now, hope Howard and the rest of the boys are in good health !


Hey Howard ... just want you to know that Second Hand Daylight was, is and will always be one of the greatest albums of all time! The Top 40 means shit ... Magazine were pure art!


Thank you. Nice to hear Mr Howard Devoto VIP, so happy.


Magic, Murder and the Weather is brilliant.


The Real Life album is in my top 10. I suspect it will always be on that list.


The Magazine story is wonderful. I wondered if it'd be possible to make a good album after such a long break. WOW, "No Thyself" is a great follow-up. I remember I was gutted when there was no tour with "Magic, Murder and the Weather" so the gigs in 2009 and 2012 were unbelievably good.


Magazine lived inside my head from 1980-4. Then they disappeared. They've reappeared as a nostalgic curiosity.


...every time i hear "Jerky Versions of the Dream" i think of the time i walked 28 miles to my girlfriend's house for LOVE and a piece of TAIL...i listened to it about 10 times all the way through after finding a sealed copy at some very UNASSUMING record store in NYC a week pryor...YOU cannot REPLACE John McGeoch...Twas a TRUE guitar TREASURE !!! was PAUL FOX of the almighty RUTS


Saw them on the Real Life Tour @ Erics in.Liverpool and they were Amazing!!! also.saw.Joy Division there for.60p .(.😎+😸.) I remember the jam and the Stranglers were 60p.but theSex pistols were £1.20!!! Outrageous, must have been Malcolms idea!!./..Max and Chester the Cat, LIVERPOOL🇬🇧


Obviously an album kind of person is Howard! Probably why he left Buzzcocks when he did, he knew that they were only going to be a singles band, and he wanted to be remembered for the long player instead!!!!


Interesting interview....but im sorry i dont find the new album that good. Has a couple of good tracks but too many sound like solo Devoto or Luxuria (methinks some of the material has come from back then)


Tom Artrocker meets Howard Devoto of Magazine - Part 2 1025am 21.2.23 wow. the guy who looked like howard devoto in a manchester camera shop could have been him but.... devoto has put weight on now... as for photos - it'd be cool gettin' some shots of him. as for his alleged depression - sounds like morrissey, the more mogadon version, has gotten hold of him. miserable bastards pepper this land and they're quite happy to make every other fucker miserable... p.s i allus thought you were onwards and upwards, sir. you did buzzcocks magazine luxuria and then reverted back to type- something you said you wouldn't do. after buggering off to another project you seemed to pooh-pooh the notions of revisiting the past. which was your greatest selling point/strength. Surburban Rhonda was a bit strange - the Devoto equivalent of Beefheart's moonbeams album...