How To Choose The Right Mountain Bike Helmet For You | MTB Helmet Guide

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Next to a mountain bike, a helmet is the most important thing a mountain biker needs and you really shouldn’t cut corners when buying one. So in this video, we are going to look at how you go about choosing one for yourself. We’ll go through some of the differences between all the kinds of MTB helmets, and also how they’re different to the ones that roadies wear.

We're lucky enough to be partnered with Poc Helmets and eyewear on GMBN, but it's important to note that the helmets shown are all for demonstration purposes and that other brands are available. It's important to consider fit above all else when choosing a helmet, so it really is vital that you go with what works best for you and your head!

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I hopped a berm with a half shell and smashed my face into a rock missing my helmet entirely. I broke my nose in three places, chipped a vertebra, chipped a tooth, ended up with a bunch of stitches in my face, and a massive concussion. I only ride full face helmets now. I might look a little dumb trail riding but getting hurt like that again isn't worth it.


I've ridden a full face in bmx since the 90s. Ive watched jaws broken on crossbars, and multiple concussions and head swelling injuries. You'll never catch me in anything less than the best protection available for my head.


I ride a fairly cheap and old hard tail, however I use a full face because it is safer, warmer and looks really cool


Just smashed my helmet going over the bars and this video came just when needed . Thank god for the helmets 🙌


I have a Fox proframe helmet and it is a full face enduro helmet and is perfect for my type of riding which is generally 3 to 4 hours on the bike up and down hill. Would definitely recommend


Came back from a wet ride the other day, and crashed hard in the carport ! Went down so fast my head bounced off the concrete like a basketball, always wear a helmet because you never know when you going down.


I massively recommend a lightweight full face helmet if you're at all pushing your riding skills. Just got a Troy Lees Stage, and it's lightweight, well ventilated, comfortable enough for long rides, all while being downhill certified!


I recently bought a Fox Dropframe and loving it. It is a very Snug fit, which for me adds to the safety. For me, it's very light and the Snug fit is not uncomfortable, but remind you you're wearing it. The openess around the ears, allows for good hearing, plus it gives me good peripheral vision. I normally ride with a full face downhill helmet, which gives you tunnel vision and lack of hearing. Not good when you're riding on gazetted roads and dealing with traffic. The Fox Dropframe, is my daily multi-purpose MTB lid these days. As I was using the Lazer Street Deluxe, I ride with on my Greaser roadbike.


Great video Rich
Definetly agree that spending the most you can afford for a helmet after all it's protecting the most important part of your body.


I bought a cheap $30 helmet then once moutain biking I bought a Fox speed frame with mips. But I'm going to start downhilling and pump tracks. I want a full face. years back I slide down the road on my face I was knockout out. helmet was probly saved me from being killed and disfigured. I've always overlooked bicycle helmets but the more I get in the sport the more I appreciate them.


“this is the best helmet.”
Stacks it and in hospital


I put my summer helmet with visor and goggles on the shelf, and went with a motorcycle helmet just to keep warm! I don't mind the extra weight when crunching over ice.


My fullface has saved my head at least 4 times in the few months I’ve had it, one leaving me with concussion but not a smashed in face and could have been a lot worse without a decent one! now ride 90% of my rides in my fullface sometimes it’s over kill but everytime I’ve not wore it I’ve come off and smashed my face in! Can’t put a price on your head at the end of the day!


Numbers won't lie. This video has literally 1000:1 like-vs-dislike radio. It must be a really good video.


i wear a heavy DH helmet all the time and i even wear it on climbs 90% of the time unless i’m just pushing up. try out a bunch of helmets and just go for whatever’s most comfortable


I've got a road lid and a full face. I always use the full face while riding trails... although, I do want a "trail" lid for urban riding


Since getting a full face, I don't want to not have extra protection. Doesn't matter how hot or easy the mtb riding is, I like not scraping my face off.


Bare in mind if ur getting a full face dh helmet, most don't have the normal clips, it's often a buckle which you loop through two pieces of metal then clip with a button


After crashing a road bicycle. I now where a mountain bike helmet on my road bike. That protection on the back of the head means everything when you are rolling on the concrete.


I’m a freerider and I use a full face, I’m in Brazil and it’s really hot! But after I hurt my teeth in a fall I never get my bike off the ground without it!
