Leopard attacks the wrong dog and regrets straight after!!!

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#dogvsleopard #India #Leopardattack
Dog fights off a leopard in India.
Dog and wild life conflicts aren't uncommon in India. Leopards often attack stray dogs and pet dogs as they are an easy meal. In most cases leopards being the top hunters do succeed in killing the dogs. But sometimes they do come across the dogs that won't give up that easily. When the tables are turned then leopards tend to run away as soon as the dog releases the bite.
In this second clip leopard attacked an India Gaddi dog. Gaddi dogs were specifically bred to hunt wild animals such as leopards , bears etc. Although Gaddi dogs perform a lot better in packs, but this particular dog wasn't giving up that easily. So when the leopard attacked it, the dog stood its ground and the tables were turned within no time. Obviously, If this wasn't caught on Camera no one would've believed it.
Most of the animals taken by the leopards are feral, street animals that scavenge on garbage, not household pets. But pet dogs aren't an exception, if they can smell or see a pet dog sleeping outside in the yard. They'll definitely jump over and hunt them down. Some lucky ones get away as they wake up before the leopard could go for the kill bite in silence. The barking and noise of the dogs can alert the owners and leopards are well aware of it. In such cases the leopard don't want to hang around for too long, and would rather leave the dog alone to avoid confrontation with humans.
The leopard attacked this dog, thinking it would be an an easy meal, little did it know what it was getting himself into. To us this dog seems like an experienced fighter, that must've had such encounters in the past. The way it was holding onto leopards face, and shaking its head, shows that it had been into many fights in the past. We aren't sure if this was a pet dog or a street dog, but it definitely had, what it takes to be a super warrior. Holding onto a leopard twice its size, for that long and making it retreat is definitely commendable. leopards are far more agile and superior hunters as compared to dogs, but determination, courage and size of fight in this dog totally changed the end result. This clip also gives us the motivation that that if we can over come our fears then we can do wonders in our life.
Dog fights off a leopard in India.
Dog and wild life conflicts aren't uncommon in India. Leopards often attack stray dogs and pet dogs as they are an easy meal. In most cases leopards being the top hunters do succeed in killing the dogs. But sometimes they do come across the dogs that won't give up that easily. When the tables are turned then leopards tend to run away as soon as the dog releases the bite.
In this second clip leopard attacked an India Gaddi dog. Gaddi dogs were specifically bred to hunt wild animals such as leopards , bears etc. Although Gaddi dogs perform a lot better in packs, but this particular dog wasn't giving up that easily. So when the leopard attacked it, the dog stood its ground and the tables were turned within no time. Obviously, If this wasn't caught on Camera no one would've believed it.
Most of the animals taken by the leopards are feral, street animals that scavenge on garbage, not household pets. But pet dogs aren't an exception, if they can smell or see a pet dog sleeping outside in the yard. They'll definitely jump over and hunt them down. Some lucky ones get away as they wake up before the leopard could go for the kill bite in silence. The barking and noise of the dogs can alert the owners and leopards are well aware of it. In such cases the leopard don't want to hang around for too long, and would rather leave the dog alone to avoid confrontation with humans.
The leopard attacked this dog, thinking it would be an an easy meal, little did it know what it was getting himself into. To us this dog seems like an experienced fighter, that must've had such encounters in the past. The way it was holding onto leopards face, and shaking its head, shows that it had been into many fights in the past. We aren't sure if this was a pet dog or a street dog, but it definitely had, what it takes to be a super warrior. Holding onto a leopard twice its size, for that long and making it retreat is definitely commendable. leopards are far more agile and superior hunters as compared to dogs, but determination, courage and size of fight in this dog totally changed the end result. This clip also gives us the motivation that that if we can over come our fears then we can do wonders in our life.