Kotlin Multiplatform Room Database Project Tutorial for Beginners (MVVM)

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In this tutorial, we'll learn how to set up a Room database for a Compose Multiplatform Project step-by-step and perform CRUD operations using the MVVM architecture.
00:00 Introduction
00:17 Project Setup
03:55 Setting Up Database
19:10 Setting Up Repository
20:48 ViewModel
27:00 Injecting Dependencies Manually
33:00 Composable Screen
42:45 Test run App
45:10 Outro
00:00 Introduction
00:17 Project Setup
03:55 Setting Up Database
19:10 Setting Up Repository
20:48 ViewModel
27:00 Injecting Dependencies Manually
33:00 Composable Screen
42:45 Test run App
45:10 Outro
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