Quite Possibly The Best Budget Bug Out Bag | 3V Gear Paratus #3vgear #bugoutbag #survival

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The verdict is IN! After months of hard use and abuse, the 3V Gear Paratus is the #1 Budget Bug Out Bag on the market to date. This pack is built like a tank, comfortable as hell, comes with its own mini pack and a price point that is very hard to beat!

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Specs: 1:46
Features: 3:25
Action!: 9:45
Wrapup: 14:55

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I owned one of these packs for going on 4 years now. Absolutely no issues at all with it, I'm 100% satisfied with it!


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➡️ My Current Survival Kit:


Thanks for the great vid! Great channel!
I actually won this pack from a contest you ram in the recent past. Thanks again. I love this pack. I’ve been using it, and putting it through its paces for a while and have no complaints. Really like the modularity, and the comfort. 👊


3:35 and 3:40 you gave us a gun show dam brother your putting in the work .

Pack looks well built i notice the double stitching and bar tacks on stress points . The fabric choice they did is nice with that water resistant layer .
Definitely looks like a strong performer.


Definitely on the admin pouch the extra material you spoke about . Most packs do not ad a piping layer those are great for tools with pocket clips


Im usually not a fan of the military looking packs just because most dont carry the weight well. I prefer a good hiking pack. Carrys the weight vertically vs horizontally. But this is a good looking pack that seems to work well.


Love mine. Took it in the woods for day hikes and over nighters for over a year before it replaced my 72 hour bag. Other than a little dirt, the bag looks brand new. I'm seriously impressed. My biggest problem with 3V is their pouches. I have 6 or 7 different ones and more than half won't stay snapped to the molle webbing. Those pouches I'll use for interior organisation.


Hey Uncle B.O.B. Sorry mate the twins decided that who we call you now. (Ref: UBOB.WIBOB, BBOB, LRBOB, IBOB). You get the drift.!? And now the BBBOB.! Great show, definitely getting that bag. Cheers matey. Stay safe. Greetings from Australia.


Thx Blitz! Looks like it would make a good get home bag


Good review on the pack, looks very well designed for a Survival pack. Stay safe and prepared


Hey I just happened to stumble upon your video said you posted this only 3 hours ago yeah I was number 38 you always find all these interesting places I've lived in Florida since 1989 and I don't know where crap is


Sweet was just looking at the smaller bags today for a farhers day gift..thx


That smaller pack looks perfect for scavenging and forging definitely a quick summit pack or a stand alone ifak


I bought one to try out, but I got it on sale, when they had them on sale during the pandemic. I only have a 17 lb loadout in it, with a very minor sleep system, but we do live in fla an I sleep hot anyway, no tent, no bag, just tarp for cover. The problem I have with it is, fitment, I feel its more geared to a smaller framed man than me, 5'10" an 250 lbs, even yokeing up the load lifters, so the bag ride high an tite to my shoulders, its not comfortable for me, straps cut into my shoulders. But I've come up with a solution by tapeing on some black foam insulation, way better now. But I will keep the bag an use it, still trying to get the weight down at every chance I get, think experiment in progress. Not even serving yet in its full capacity. May down the road have to go to a 60 liter bag to do what I want, thx for the vid.


Also partner there is an easy way to make water clean if unsalty explained in a the video "how to convert saltwater into freshwater (drinking water)" by Vivek Ghaltadake.


Hi this is me Abdulrahman, now as you requested there is a compact system called Quenchsea that turns saltwater into freshwater.Three is also a video by Qualtion tech with a title of "Quenchea turn saltwater into freshwater |Qualtion Tech"that explains how the devise works.


Excellent video... watch you all the time. Thought I would become part of the channel... and without regret... lol .... keep on rolling hard. Great looking bag. Does it come in camo???


Hey Blitz
Cool pack man
Beats my old pattern 58
☝🏻stuff hands down
Wish we even had stuff like that in the 70’s and 80’s in the military
Bly veilig boeta
Heads up
Eyes open
No fear


Some other videos are :"DIY fresh water-free solar soda bottle still easy to make"by Robb's Homamade Life, "how to make water in the desert "by how to do anything, and"10 ways to clean drinking water after disaster"by Canadian prepper.


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Mine… “Half Astronaut “
