Christina Hoff Sommers - Gender and Freedom in America

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UNE Center for Global Humanities and its founding director, Anouar Majid, host Christina Hoff Sommers on "Gender and Freedom in America." This event was recorded on September 24, 2018.
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tuff crowd
I love based mom tho <3


So, Girls are being better educated than Boys at a young age. Could this have anything to do with the ratio of female teachers vs male teachers in the elementary grades?
I take my hat off to all those women who work with kids, most I have met do a great job, but Boys need Men to learn How to be Men. If you want Good Men, you need Good Men to teach Boys to how to become Good Men. Conversely, you need Good Women to teach Girls to become Good Women.
Only twenty four percent of ALL teachers are male (including gym teachers, shop teachers, and coaches) only one in ten of those male teachers teach at the elementary level; and although I have no statistics to back the matter, I would be willing to bet my brand new pair of PF Flyers that a clear majority of those men who do teach at the K-5 levels would not self-identify as straight heterosexual male. That doesn't mean they're bad people or bad teachers; one in twenty of the boys may need his insight more, but there is a difference. Heterosexual boys are not being taught by heterosexual men; they are barely interacting with heterosexual men outside the home and if it is single mother household not even then, except maybe for gym class twice a week, and many girls could benefit from a good strong male roll model, especially those who come from single mother households~ presumably without consistent male presence.
Wouldn't you think areas of our society where father's are missing would be a good place for good, solid, hard-working men to be working? But rather than focusing that male energy the boys are naturally expending in productive ways it is easier to label it toxic masculinity, and drug the poor bastards till they don't know whether to shit or go blind.
Before anyone screams at me I used to interact with 36, 000 K-9th per year. I met A LOT of teachers over four years, in the thousands, not enough to state a statistical algorithm, but enough to perhaps spot a trend, I only met one male teacher of k-5 (middle school %s change, a lot, but then more/different subjects and teaching methods) and he had been a middle school teacher, retired then got a 3rd grade teaching position for a year~ the regular teacher took the year off to have her baby, he was 67 or so.
I do have to say, out of the 36, 000 kids I saw that year, his kids were the best behaved, most interactive and engaging in surprisingly complex questions (for 3rd graders) about the functioning of various things about my ship.
He also took a few minutes after getting his kids off the bus to have them run around for ten minutes or so to unwind them from a forty minute bus ride, he did this again after lunch and before putting them back on the bus for home.
The only teacher I witnessed doing this in 4 years in 12 states.


Great lecture. Thank you, Christina Hoff Sommers!


Women struggling to balance a career and family? Simple make a choice e.g. don't have children! But women want to have children - it is a preference, well you need to accept the consequences of your choices!


I like her points and everything but so annoying to listen to her talk with so many breaks and ahs and ohs and other fillers, excessive gesturing, consistent annoyed facial expressions. I guess she should stick to writing.
