GOLF SWING TIPS Control the Club Face

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Simple golf swing tips with Mark Crossfield talking club face control. Learn how to control the club face in your golf swing for straighter longer tee shots and improved iron play. Golf is a game of many moving parts and one of the keys to controlling the golf ball is having good club face control in your golf swing. these simple golf tips from golf professional mark Crossfield can help golfers achieve some great face control and understanding. If it comes to your driver or your iron swing having good strong club face control to allow you to hit the golf shots you want is a fundamental that good players have.

Let me know in the comments below if these tips help and what other tips you want to see in my lockdown series to help you play some better golf.

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I’m just happy with forward at the moment


Draw at the moment, has been for a while so am now playing to it.


I play a “power slice” 😅 Working on transforming that in a “playable fade”


I’ve always hit my irons straight with a touch of fade to them. I used to slice my driver and now I push everything right with it now. It’s been a work in progress. Thanks for the great tips and vids.


I hit a slight fade/slice. The turning of the right on way down idea is what I’m trying to do at the moment. Nice and clear and helps me think I may be on the right path.


Id like help with low point control, it is by far my nemesis. I never take a divot (yes greenkeepers love me lol)


Always left to right fade or straight left loved the bit on wrist angles🤞


My bad shot is a pull at the moment. This video and others you do have started to make me experiment when I am at the range, it makes going to the range much more enjoyable.


Firstly, a big shout out to all you golfers in the UK. Stay well and stay safe during this latest lockdown.
As a former Black Country lad now living in Arizona, I am very lucky to be able to get out in the fine weather and practice. I was able to try these tips this afternoon and I have to say there was one that was a revelation.

The epiphany starts at 4:09. I have done lots of work recently with coaches on tucking the elbow to prevent an over the top motion but was still getting a lot of heel strikes on my driver. I tried adhjusting setup position, especially the distance to the ball, but to no avail. Then the 4:09 epiphany happened.

I tried the trail hand wrist flex at the range today and the results were magical. It was like all of a sudden every strike found the center of the clubface. I warn you now that it feels weird. My brain was telling me that I was opening up the club face (but I ignored it). I set the wrist and felt the club feel like it was falling behind me and then went through the downswing.

Still work to do on rythm and motion (getting the brain out of the way of backswing, pull elbow in, set wrist angle, let club fall, squat more to allow more power generation is going to be fun) but the results here were epic. Thank you for showing the way.


A am predominately a slicer. Have been working on these wrist movements after watching andrew rices vid on it. This helps give another perspective on it.
Love it.


Definitely SAVING vid for re-imagining twist & frisbee after trying. Drawing driver thru 5i, fade on shorter.
Also "All the Time in the World" (but weather is going wrong way).


A lovely little lemonade, I'm working on trying to shape shots at the moment.


I know this is an old video but I found it extremely insightful, particularly the trail wrist move to start the downswing. TY


My shot shape is a fade. I am working on moving the ball from right to left. Great video with drills to work on. Thank you!


Mark love the show Mate. Thank you for the dedication to it. I am a fader with the driver and a drawer with the high flying Irons but with the help and tips you give I am much more comfortable taking the ball each way now. The ones that work for me to create a draw are;
1. Early extention of the wrist at the start of the down swing. Really try and get that face ahead of the hands at impact.
2. Transfer of weight more back in the back swing.
3. Set up. Naturally
4. Shift my hips forward at the start of the down swing then rotate them. I have found that if I am stuck with a slice this works really well to jolts me out of it and use this trick helps me get back to drawing after I had to fade a couple of shots. So do a draw setup back swing and wack the ball with out or with as little as possible hip rotation, thus keeping those hips in the top of the swing position, standby for serious hooks.

Thanks again

Take care

Jacques Maritz


Always been a slice but moving that with woods thanks to your wrist angle ideas over the last 6months. I now need to try and get the same into my irons (they used to be straight but seem to have lost then since I've gained control of the woods) thanks


Working with a fade right now. The "frisbee" feel for my lead had is a daily routine when ever I pick up a club. Lots of good ideas here.


Generally play a gentle fade when I strike it well. Bad shot is straight pull left. Tendency to come over the top so these drills are perfect! Thanks brah 👍🏼


Good info, and exactly what my coach has me working on, to get rid of a push fade that I'm causing by an occasional block. My natural shot shape gas been a pull fade, but the misses are not playable. So with the help of a swing coach and lessons we have changed that to a draw down the center and my miss block is straight to the right and playable


Straight/slight draw on irons 7 - PW and a fade on the longer clubs. Nothing horrendous, thankfully - at least since having some lessons earlier in the year. The tips are great - keep them coming!
