Nasa Inventions You Use Everyday

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Welcome to a typical 21st century home! 
Come in, don't be shy. Make yourself at home and take a seat on the couch in our living room. 
We have just bought a new TV that makes use of new technology, I don't know actually what's different, but they told us so, so...

“High definition screens are getting better and better, but even a tiny blemish in the manufacturing process can become glaringly obvious to viewers over time. Software that includes tools built by NASA to help robots better discern contrast helps manufacturers consistently and accurately identify spots in their screens that aren't lighting up the right amount or aren't hitting the colour marks accurately to ensure high definition displays deliver high quality in every pixel”

House owner: Ohhhh, yes! I told you that they told us! Ahaha. And, as you can hear, it sounds sooo clear! I guess it is because we make use of a Magnetic-fluid-speakers system.
Well, I could explain how they work...I've read it on NASA's website...
Ferrofluids, or fluids imbued with magnetically charged particles, were first developed by NASA for use in rocket fuel. Today, they find applications ranging from art and displays to high-end speaker systems. The fluid makes speakers more energy-efficient and helps them achieve a louder, cleaner sound for their size. My kids love it! You know, one of them wants to become a music producer, and the other one is a guitar player. Look, we have an acoustic guitar just next to the couch.
You know, not all acoustic guitars are created equal, and one that has impressed the likes of Paul McCartney (which is my favourite artist..), Carly Simon, Melissa Etheridge and Glen Campbell relies on NASA aerospace technology. An industrious helicopter manufacturer used special vibration analysis equipment to enhance the sound of acoustic guitars. He also built the body out of a fibreglass composite used for rotor blades. The resulting instruments are stronger and less expensive to produce than those of traditional rosewood and produce a rich, full sound.

My kids usually spend time together playing music, and sometimes they end up with some very good melodies. They arrange their stuff and put it on a Cloud platform to keep their drafts. Now, I'm not a pro, but they told me that we should thank NASA for that:
an early and important breakthrough in cloud-based computing, known as Open Stack, originated at NASA. Software developers partnered with industry to portion out storage and computing power on an as-needed basis. Now it is the most used open-source cloud computing platform, used to manage data at many of the world’s most recognizable commercial brands and research organizations.

Do you want something to drink? I should have something for you in the fridge. 
Hurry up, come with me! Oh, and take a look at those plants before we get into the kitchen:
An environmental scientist funded by NASA studied plants' ability to purify air and water. He found that this ability was greatly increased the more air or water was brought in contact with plants' roots. Since he published a book of his findings, including which plants remove the most toxins, several companies have used the research, often with the author's help, to create indoor planters and gardens to eliminate the pollutants that cause "sick building syndrome."


Credits: Ron Miller
Credits: Nasa/Shutterstock/Storyblocks/Elon Musk/SpaceX/ESA
Credits: Flickr
Credits: ESO

Video Chapters:
00:00 Introduction
01:13 Magnetic Fluid Speakers
02:50 Acoustic Guitar
03:31 Openstack
04:40 Coffee
05:32 Countertop Garden
06:28 Phase Change
10:35 Solar Panels

#insanecuriosity #nasainvention #futuretechnology
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I didn't hear it mentioned that we taxpayers are the one who have given NASA their billions of dollars to do all their nice research
and we do deserve some return on our investments!


It was at this moment that knew, all those years of engineering studies' agony were leading to something amazing!


Wish more people would be aware of how much NASA and space exploration in general cobtributed to create the modern worls


Some of these things may have been invented and developed by NASA, as well as the military, but it was Japan that put these to the public, and even then this was from some time ago! Yes, we had Teflon frying pans and Tang! We have around $1.5 Trillion invested in the ISS for example, but there is not a single thing that I can get from the local store that is a direct result of the ISS. The concept of the ISS was all about the amazing and wonderful things that reduced gravity could do in industrial processes and medicine, and yet, none have made it to market!
And now we are being subject to much the same song and dance for the Gateway Project, that will also cost us around $1.5 Trillion and will probably end up being useless, with much the same results, NOTHING, but for the profits of the MIC and their investors!
And yet you may wonder why the US is now over $27 TRILLION in debt! Big investing for the benefit of the people of this country or humanity is one thing, getting into hopeless debt for the benefit of the few at US expense is something else! Or at least it should be!!


The happier voice freaks me out, STOP IT!


Cant get away from politics anywhere, blah! Well guess I'm unsubscribing from this bullsh*t channel to.


Love this video idea!! We take for granted so much... and This actually helps me greatly. Many people seem to argue that we shouldn't be spending or funding so much space research and NASA's budget could go into helping the less fortuntae etc.. which I point to many of the side benefits of Nasa research. Over the years even in the height of the space race, while yes costs ballooned, there was a windfall of great innovation that we still use...and the technology as you point out is still coming.. Great video, oh and by the way, If you provide more of that coffee I'll come over for a tour everyday!
