The Joys of Antique Spinning Wheels

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Bernadette entering her legit Spinster Era


She’s officially a boss level upstairs neighbor with this contraption. The downstairs neighbors will never quite be able to put their finger on what noise is being made.


The efficiency is what compels me. Our ancestors weren't just making do with lo-fi tech, they found the simplest and best way they could to do something. People of the past weren't primitive.


The spinning wheel is actually not THAT old. I mean, it's old, but in terms of clothing history, it's a toddler. The real old fellow in the family is the spindle !
Oh and actually the spinning wheel brought about a full revolution about thread making, as it could spin fibers SO much faster than the spindle. This had tremendous repercussions on the quality and price of thread (because the dexterity needed to produce high-quality thread with a spindle is extremely high, whereas with a spindle it's not, so quality AND prices dropped basically overnight).
All this also cascaded into making women less free of their movement (because you can use a spindle while walking, but with a spinning wheel you're stuck sitting around it) and not as able to save up their own money by spinning high quality thread on their spindles and selling it.
Suddenly almost everyone could spin, and fast. One of the first (and way too little talked about) industrial revolutions !


This is the same feeling that I sometimes get when working in old dutch windmills. You are doing the same thing people hundreds of years ago were working with, and it gives this magical feeling of connection with the past


I just got my antique spinning wheel about 6 or so months ago. I rescue farmed animals so have sheep and angora goats. When they're due for their next shear I'll be keeping some of their fibre as I have Corriedale, Merino, Suffolk sheep. I'm so excited to see you with a wheel too and yes the sound it makes is soothing 😊


This is wholesome, people!!! We've seen her go through different manufacturing processes, but this... This is a new level of excitement


It reminds me of the sound my grandmother's old Singer sewing machine made. She was a seamstress, making clothes and hats too, for a living.


In Dutch the word to spin is also used for a cat purring. Spinnende kat. Thank you, Bernadette, we can hear it now. Groetjes! 🇾🇪


This sound, the sound of thread through fabric, or the sound (as I make books) of needle and hand-waxed linen thread through paper...

It's the sounds of our crafts' past that really link us to them so strongly. It's amazing. It's awesome in the original meaning. It fills me with simple, quiet awe that these sounds are the sounds people worked to hundreds of years ago.


i love your videos, bernadette. i've watched you for maybe a year or two now and you jumpstarted my sewing journey. it's so easy to get lost in the slog of work, eat, sleep, survive, but your videos remind me of what i'm living for. seriously, i know it's a privilege to get to feel inspiration and passion the way i do when i watch your videos. thank you for that <33


My mom has a spinning wheel and this sound brings up such cozy memories for me! It's cold winter evenings, cuddling up on the couch, getting a book read to me by my dad or even just all of us quietly doing our own things with the constant gentle sounds of my mom spinning in the background


Talk about taking time to smell the roses!❤


There are so many lovely folk songs based on the sound of the spinning wheel 💙


I just watched the full version of this video (which I fully recommend!). It’s a great lesson in the skill and science (and total zen patience) of thread making, which let’s go ahead and say it… we all owe our pants to.


I drive big horses in a wagon. The rhythmic sounds of clip clop were the sounds people heard whilst travelling. Thus classical music has similar rhythm. Music got faster louder and crashier when we went from horse drawn to fossil fuel engines. People wrote the music to what was around them. I totally get what you are saying. I have 5 Singer treadles -fabric to boot leather a wood stove and 2 whistling kettles and 110 year old upright grand piano. I love the sounds of yesteryear.


Oooh, now I need a 1 hour loop of spinning sounds...


This was possibly my favourite part of the whole video! That sense of connection and continuity with the sounds and skills that have remained unchanged for centuries is one of the things I really love about spinning (and weaving... I feel it's only a matter of time before we have the delight of seeing you create your first herringbone tweed!)


Interesting perspective. It never occured to me to look at it that way. Thank you.


I love how authentic you are in trying to create the process how clothes were crafted down to now making your own thread. Your passion inspired me to trying again to find myself a spinning wheel. I went a little more modern and made one with a 3d printer 😂 but I’ve always wanted to make my own yarn to further my knitting. Thank you!!
