Weird Al Yankovic - The Saga Begins | My Sister First Time REACTION

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Don McLean loved this parody so much he has said he sometimes forgets the correct words when he sings his own song.


How much of a genius is Weird Al, to perfectly fit the entire plot of a movie into an existing song and make it sound like it had always been the lyrics for this song?


Can we all take a second to acknowledge Weird Al's bass player? He was shredding thru this entire song.


The thing about Weird puts so much thought in research into song lyrics. Then he flawlessly performs them, any genre you want. Rap, hip hop, rock. Guy is so talented!


You got to have mad respect for how he told the entire story of The Phatom Menace and get the lyrics to match perfectly.


This is the second Star Wars song Weird Al has created, with the first being 1985's "Yoda", a parody of "Lola" by The Kinks.


This particular song is an example of some real lyrical genius by Al. Nothing he sings feels forced to fit, awkwardly forced to rhyme, or is just a silly pun on the original. It's a brilliantly laid out, comedic telling of the story, which genuinely sounds like the song was built around.


What I have always loved about Al is he does his homework. He puts in things DIE HARD FANS will pick up on. I mean it's hard not to love a guy that puts in that much respect for various fan bases.


Weird Al put a lot into this "production, " and I'd say it really showcases his singing talent more than any of his other songs. I think this is my favorite. But Weird Al has so many good ones!


When Weird Al plays this song at his concerts, it's typically as the encore, and the entire theater will be singing along with him. It's awesome.


What always impressed me about this song is the Al wrote and recorded it before Phantom Menace was he based the song on a fan's "guess" as to how the story would play out that he found on the internet. It's crazy how accurate that "guess" was.


My first concert was Weird Al in 2000 touring in support of this album. This song was the encore. I was 13 and it's still one of the best shows I've ever seen


Around the time Episode 3 came out, my little brother and cousin sang the chorus to me all the time and they could only remember that part and sang it so badly I thought it was just a song they made up. Then I saw the music video and realized it was a real song. It was another year or so before our parents actually allowed us to watch the prequel trilogy and see what Weird Al was referencing. And it wasn't until my high school 20th Century History class that I actually hear the original song "American Pie". I learned the whole history behind one of the longest songs to ever get radio airtime as part of studying 1970s music and pop culture. I appreciate this song even more now, knowing the original song.


Weird Al is such a genius that doesn't get enough recognition. Sister seems awesome, thanks for hanging out for the reaction. :)


This is a favorite of mine. I have see him dress up in this costume for a concert. He usually does a few changes for a set too. I wonder if he brings as much as possible when going on tour. Glad your sister got to hear this one too. Thanks again!


the amazing talent of Al to take a song, put different words to said song and make it all work is just genius. possibly the greatest song writer to ever live


And an amazing fact about this song that I just found out about a year ago and growing up listening to Weird Al is that this song actually came out before the movie did. He got all his information from plots of the movie were released online and he wrote the lyrics based on that and then he got to go to a screening of the movie before it was released to the public and corrected some minor details that needed changed which is pretty awesome that he wrote about 95% of the song just based on descriptions found online.


If your sis loves Star Wars, then you should show her Weird Al's parody of Lola, "Yoda"


Thank you for doing Weird Al! I’ve been a fan my whole life. Al is a great artist and musician. I’ve seen him in concert four times and will see him every time he’s in town. Al and his band put on a great show. His parody songs are good and he has a ton of great originals.


Ok. You SERIOUSLY have to do a reaction video for Weird Al's, "One More Minute". I can't wait to hear you laugh at it!!!! #LifeGoals
