Algebraic K-Theory and P-Adic Arithmetic Geometry - Matthew Morrow

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Members' Colloquium

Topic: Algebraic K-Theory and P-Adic Arithmetic Geometry
Speaker: Matthew Morrow
Affiliation: Institute for Advanced Study
Date: April 22, 2024

To any unital, associative ring R one may associate a family of invariants known as its algebraic K-groups. Although they are essentially constructed out of simple linear algebra data over the ring, they see an extraordinary range of information: depending on the ring, its K-groups can be related to zeta functions, corbordisms, algebraic cycles and the Hodge conjecture, elliptic operators, Grothendieck's theory of motives, and so on.

Our understanding of algebraic K-groups, at least as far as they appear in algebraic and arithmetic geometry, has rapidly improved in the past few years. This talk will present some of the fundamentals of the subject and explain why K-groups are related to the ongoing special year in p-adic Arithmetic Geometry. The intended audience is non-specialists
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Beautiful flow, amazing mental capacity to link such stacks of abstractions and still be consistent with the P-adic Langlands. Just to add: I was expecting that the punchline would have to be that this implied the Riemann Hypothesis to be false.😅


It seems to me all this machinery can be extended mutatis mutandis to condensed rings (even if I'm not sure how to adapt Quillen construction of K-groups for n > 1, but that's due to my own ignorance). Are there any more results in this context?


prof Morrow eats cokernels for breakfast
