Configuring LDAP | JumpCloud University Tutorial (2021)

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In this tutorial, you’ll see how to configure JumpCloud’s LDAP-as-a-Service.

JumpCloud can integrate with different applications or storage devices over LDAP and Secure LDAP in order to become the Identity Provider which authenticates users to either LDAP applications or NAS devices.

In order to configure LDAP for your JumpCloud Organization, log in to your JumpCloud Administrator Account.

In the menu on the left, under the “user authentication” section, click “LDAP”.

Here you’ll see any existing LDAP instances in your JumpCloud Org. Click the green + button in the top left to create a new LDAP instance.

The JumpCloud LDAP Pane will slide in from the right-hand side allowing you to begin configuring your LDAP instance.

On the Details Tab, you can see the LDAP Instance’s Org DN, or distinguished name, for your org. You’ll notice that the o= value is your JumpCloud Organization’s OrgID.

Under LDAP Configuration, you can also choose to enable Samba Authentication via LDAP as well via the checkbox. We will cover Samba in another module and will keep it unchecked in this tutorial video.

The User Groups tab allows you to grant LDAP Access to multiple users at once via user groups. Meaning, all users in the User Group will have the ability to authenticate to either applications or NAS devices via LDAP or Secure LDAP.

Lastly, the Users tab allows you to select individual users to be able to authenticate to NAS devices or Applications via LDAP. By binding individual users, you can also select which user will be your LDAP Bind DN.

In order for JumpCloud’s LDAP to allow for NAS device or application authentication, you must set up an LDAP Bind DN Account. We recommend this to be a user within JumpCloud that is not an actual employee and used more of a generic admin or service account user within JumpCloud.

Finally, once you’re ready to save your configurations for your LDAP Instance, hit the Save button in the bottom right of the JumpCloud LDAP Panel.

That’s It!

Check out JumpCloud’s extensive Knowledge Base for more documentation over LDAP, Samba, and the settings you’ll need in order to leverage its full potential.

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