Excel VBA Objects: Application Object
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Welcome to the Excel VBA Objects Series. In this video we'll see how to work with the Application object and get the most of it. We can use properties and methods of the Application object in Excel VBA to get or set information about the application itself, show or hide components of the application interface, enable or disable displaying certain alerts and notifications, launching a dialog box to pick files, folders, open or save files, and much more. We will see all that in this video. In the next video we will cover Application events, including methods to respond to some external events, and also event procedures at the application level.
The following videos in the series are going to focus on other Excel VBA objects individually. Among these we will see the Application object, the Workbook object, the Sheets and Worksheet objects, the WorksheetFunction object, the Range object, the Shape object, and the Chart object.
And yet, if you want more, you can find various Excel templates, dashboards, and applications of different nature in the other blogs of the Excel Macro Mania saga:
Excel VBA Objects: Application Object
How VBA Objects Really Work in Memory
Excel VBA Objects: Worksheet Object
Excel VBA Objects: Workbook Object
Excel VBA Objects: Excel Object Model And Object Hierarchy
Excel VBA Tutorial 12-Working with Application Object in Excel VBA
Excel VBA Objects: Events and Event Procedures
Excel VBA Objects: Properties and Methods
Excel VBA | File System Objects | FSO | FileSystemObjects | #MISSupportJunction
Excel VBA Objects: Object vs Collection
Excel VBA Objects: Shape Object (Part 1)
Excel VBA Objects: Range Object (Part 1)
Excel VBA Objects: Object Browser and Automatic Lists (Object vs Class)
Excel VBA Application Object Intro
Excel VBA Objects: WorksheetFunction Object
06 - Excel VBA Fundamentals - Excel's Worksheets Object and Properties
VBA Excel Macro - (5) - Objects
VBA for beginners. Excel VBA Objects: PROPERTIES and METHODS
VBA Programming for Excel 2010 - V3.01 - What are Objects
Excel VBA Objects: Chart Object (Part 1)
VBA Programming for Excel 2010 - V3.02 - The Application Object
Excel VBA Objects, Collections Properties
Understanding VBA Objects, Properties, and Methods
VBA Beginners: Turbocharge Your Excel Development By Mastering Objects