How to experience a wonderful 2025!!! Keep doing whatever makes you COME ALIVE! 🌺♥️💃🎶

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My kids living in Thailand, just left after visiting us in South Africa for 3 weeks. What a precious time we’ve had, but I was also heartbroken when they left. I’ve realised we cannot experience unconditional love without experiencing heartbreak also!

So…how will we get through 2025 victoriously? By walking with THE ABUNDANT LIFE inside us moment by moment. Because in this moment all our needs are met!

Love you lots and thank you for your love and appreciation! May we learn to walk more fully with THE LIFE inside us during every moment in this year!


Gelli printing with my grandkids:

How to create a hand painted dress from a linen duvet cover.

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What a nice surprise to see you this New Year’s morning!! I’m so glad you were able to enjoy having your family home for the holidays!!!
May your every moment be filled with unconditional love as well!!!
Happy 2025! ❤🎉🎨❤


Happy New Year! Nice to see you again!


Baie dankie vir jou boodskap! Spot on vir my ook! Dankbaarheid help my ook. Count your blessings every day. Daar is soveel dinge waarvoor ons elke oomblik geseend is mee. In moeilike tye moet ons ogies met n vergrootglas vir die baie Klein blessings soek. Ek stuur vir jou n Groot drukkie toegedraai in n line lap! Happy new year ❤
