Testing and fixing old Sharp RP-11 early 80's vintage vinyl player with Sharp hifi stereo, Part 1

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Testing done with jazz record.
Speakers by Oy Saroy Ab Salo.
Includes problem solving and fix.

I have allready earlier replaced the stylus, sound box and drive belt to this vinyl player this year. Original Brown rubber belt was there in 5mm pieces. After above fix it played both channels only part time and most of the time only left channel could be heard from speakers. I first thought this is a speaker problem as you can see the right speaker suspension rubber is a "little bit" worn 😉

Then I took a better look to the stylus housing and noticed when touching the very thin wires at the back of stylus sound box the left channel came also alive. Those wires were in poor positions maybe bad connection or touching each other, dunno better but after couple gentle and magic touch problem was fixed.

These are very fine and well build devices with 100% sound quality. I am going to publish couple more videos of this setup when it performs as it is meant to do.
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