How to prepare for Interview Basic Thermodynamics | Thermodynamics Interview Questions | Mechanical

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How to prepare for Interview Basic Thermodynamics | Thermodynamics Interview Questions | Mechanical. This Series of videos contains probable Interview Questions asked by interviewer for selection in IIT's(MTech, MS, Direct PhD), PSU's, Campus placements etc.

This part covers Interview Questions of Subject: Basic Thermodynamics (Mechanical Branch)


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Рекомендации по теме

38:20 IC engine Otto cycle PV work is calculated as closed even though IC engine is open system.
41:41 Pressure Cooker Open or closed system?
45:40 what is thermodynamic property?
48:40 Intensive Extensive
51:49 What is CV approach and system approach on the basis of boundary
55:13 Thermodynamic state, process, cycle
1:02:10 First law for cycle
1:07:45 Significance of P-V and T-S diagram
1:11:45 PdV work significance 1:17:55 Reversible pdv process work and significance of sign
1:23:48 -vdp work 1:29:37 steady flow work
1:34:10 summary of pdv and -vdp work
1:35:30 difference in -vdp work & work obtained from SFEE
1:39:35 Thermodynamic equilibrium
1:46:50 Reversible and Quasistatic
1:50:10 Polytropic reversible process
1:51:40 Sign convention for energy transfer
1:58:15 Internal Energy significance. Internal KE and PE
2:04:40 Internal Energy of ideal gases
2:06:40 Enthalpy and it's relation with Internal Energy 2:09:20 flow work
2:11:00 Enthalpy, Internal Energy & Entropy of glass of water and reference points
2:19:30 ∆H and ∆U value is same for any process between 1 & 2. For real gas different.
2:20:50 Difference between heat and work. Low grade and high grade
2:24:20 In a room with refrigerator/fan what is work done on and heat transfer to the system. 1st law analysis.
2:29:05 How do you define pressure and temperature and their absolute values.
2:35:00 0 pascal can exist but 0 kelvin can't.
2:38:10 Absolute pressure and temperature
2:42:35 Ideal gas and Real gas analysis
2:48:25 real gas vanderwalls equation from ideal gas equation
2:52:05 How to calculate Heat energy change for solid, liquid & gases. Difference of that with change in internal energy cause Heat is not a property.
2:58:40 dQ for constant temperature heating. Heat capacity.
3:01:20 Derive Bernoulli eqn or Euler eqn. from SFEE (1st for flpwing system)
3:09:50 Free expansion process work and significance
3:13:50 PdV as an expression is not always work
3:16:00 Free expansion temperature of end states same but not isothermal
3:17:42 Throttling process analysis, work done and change in Enthalpy. Why is it assumed adiabatic? Less contact area
3:27:50 What is 1st law for open and closed system. For process and for cycle. 3:32:40 Specific flow energy. 1st law for unsteady process in open system.
3:37:00 SFEE differntial form
3:40:15 What is the equation of 2nd law of Thermodynamics? Clausius inequality for process and for cycle. 3:43:00.
3:42:25 2nd law for irreversible process and irreversibility
3:45:35 Qualitative and Quantitative law in 1st and 2nd law. Feasibility or possibility of a process.
3:47:00 PMM-1 & PMM-2
3:51:20 Which engine has the highest efficiency? Can it be 1.
3:52:25 Why Carnot is the most efficient cycle?
3:54:05 Why Otto cycle efficiency is less than Carnot even though working between same temperature limit and reversible. 3:58:00 Internal and external reversibility.
4:03:45 Difference in adiabatic, reversible adiabatic and isentropic process. 4:05:50 gamma value of gases 4:08:35 Isentropic vs Reversible adiabatic & entropy generation
4:12:20 Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statement of 2nd law and PMM-1 &2
4:21:40 Why CoP calculated for Heat Pump and dump efficiency for engine?
4:23:40 Definition of Entropy
4:29:55 How do you calculate entropy change of a system? 4:31:45 How to write the 1st and 2nd law together? T-dS relation and significance
4:39:35 Entropy change calculation for ideal gases. Change is same in all 3 equation.
4:46:35 Change for Polytropic process.Why even though change in entropy independent of path but different formulas.
4:49:50 Entropy change calculation for reservoirs. 4:54:35 Can you calculate irreversibility in that process of heat exchange between reservoirs.
4:56:30 Entropy change calculation for solid/liquid and irreversibility in the process. And the irreversibility in the process.
4:59:20 Calculate the Entropy generation when a cup of tea is kept in a room. What is the irreversibility in the process.
5:03:20 What is Available Energy, availability and exergy. Significance. 5:09:00 Dead state and maximum efficiency w.r.t ambient
5:10:40 Actual work and maximum work and available energy
5:16:34 What is Unavailable Energy
5:17:30 Available and Unavailable Energy in the Carnot Cycle. How to calculate
5:21:25 Show what is Available Energy and Unavailable Energy in Otto Cycle.
5:29:00 AE and UAE in Diesel Cycle
5:30:30 What is the Available Energy in the heat when a hot steel block is kept at room
5:33:50 What is Available Energy loss in a process
5:34:55 Loss of Available Energy in case of Heat Engine is different why?
5:36:30 Gas filling station problem. Unsteady flow Energy Equation.
5:44:07 Unsteady Emptying process problem and equation.
5:50:40 Irreversibility and significance
5:57:34 Calculation of Irreversibility in a Heat Engine
5:59:25 Entropy change in Free expansion and Throttling process


Just imagine the education without these professors who are teaching us on these platforms for free. Thank you so much for everything sir❣❣🙏


Tremendous respect for the professor. The way the professor is teaching shows he is really interested in the subject. Thanks once again sir.


1. What is a thermodynamic property?
2. What are intensive and extensive thermodynamic properties?
3. What is the difference between a closed and open thermodynamic system?
4. What is the difference between a thermodynamic state, process, and cycle?
5. What is the first law of thermodynamics?
6. What is the significance of the P-V and T-S diagrams?
7. What is PdV work?
8. What is the difference between reversible and irreversible thermodynamic processes?
9. What is a polytropic reversible process?
10. What is the sign convention for energy transfer in thermodynamics?
11. What is internal energy?
12. What is the difference between internal energy and enthalpy?
13. What is flow work?
14. What is the difference between enthalpy, internal energy, and entropy?
15. What are reference points in thermodynamics?
16. What is the difference between ∆H and ∆U for real gases?
17. What is the difference between heat and work?
18. What are low-grade and high-grade heat?
19. What is work done on and heat transfer to the system in a room with a refrigerator/fan?
20. How do you define pressure and temperature?
21. What are absolute pressure and temperature?
22. What is the difference between an ideal gas and a real gas?
23. How do you derive the van der Waals equation from the ideal gas equation?
24. How do you calculate heat energy change for solid, liquid, and gas?
25. Why is heat not a property?
26. How do you calculate heat capacity for constant temperature heating?
27. How do you derive Bernoulli's equation or Euler's equation from the first law of thermodynamics?
28. What is the work done and significance of a free expansion process?
29. Why is PdV not always work?
30. Why is the temperature of the end states the same in a free expansion process, but it is not isothermal?
31. Why is a throttling process assumed to be adiabatic?
32. What is the first law of thermodynamics for open and closed systems, and for processes and cycles?
33. What is specific flow energy?
34. What is the first law of thermodynamics for unsteady processes in open systems?
35. What is the differential form of the first law of thermodynamics?
36. What is the equation of the second law of thermodynamics?
37. What is the Clausius inequality for a process?
38. What is the Clausius inequality for a cycle?
39. What is the difference between the second law for reversible and irreversible processes?
40. What is irreversibility?
41. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative laws in thermodynamics?
42. How do you determine the feasibility or possibility of a thermodynamic process?
43. What are PMM-1 and PMM-2?
44. Which engine has the highest efficiency?
45. Can the efficiency of an engine ever be 1?
46. Why is the Carnot cycle the most efficient cycle?
47. Why is the efficiency of the Otto cycle less than the efficiency of the Carnot cycle, even though they both operate between the same temperature limits and are reversible?
48. What is the difference between internal and external reversibility?
49. What is the difference between adiabatic, reversible adiabatic, and isentropic processes?
50. What is the gamma value of gases?
51. What is the difference between isentropic and reversible adiabatic processes?
52. What is entropy generation?
53. What are the Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements of the second law of thermodynamics?
54. What are PMM-1 and PMM-2?
55. Why is the coefficient of performance (COP) calculated for heat pumps and the dump efficiency calculated for engines?
56. What is entropy?
57. How do you calculate the entropy change of a system?
58. How do you write the first and second laws of thermodynamics together?
59. What is the significance of the T-dS relation?
60. How do you calculate the entropy change of an ideal gas?
61. How do you calculate the entropy change of a polytropic process?
62. Why is the entropy change of a reservoir independent of the path?
63. Can you calculate the irreversibility in the process of heat exchange between reservoirs?
64. How do you calculate the entropy change of a solid or liquid?
65. What is irreversibility in a process?
66. Calculate the entropy generation when a cup of tea is kept in a room.
67. What is available energy, availability, and exergy?
68. What is the significance of available energy, availability, and exergy?
69. What is a dead state?
70. What is the maximum efficiency w.r.t ambient?
71. What is the difference between actual work and maximum work?
72. What is available energy?
73. What is unavailable energy?
74. How to calculate available energy and unavailable energy in the Carnot cycle?
75. What is available energy and unavailable energy in the Otto cycle?
76. What is available energy and unavailable energy in the Diesel cycle?
77. What is the available energy in the heat when a hot steel block is kept at room temperature?
78. What is available energy loss in a process?
79. Why is loss of available energy different in case of heat engine?
80. What is the gas filling station problem?
81. What is the unsteady flow energy equation?
82. What is the unsteady emptying process problem?
83. What is irreversibility?
84. What is the significance of irreversibility?
85. How to calculate irreversibility in a heat engine?
86. What is the entropy change in free expansion and throttling process?


First time i am seeing a lecture on Youtube which beat the NPTEL lecture. Quality content. Thanks a lot, sir. Please provide the other subject video also. I am ready to pay also because your hard work is really worth it to pay.


Sir where were you till now. I am unfortunate not to find you earlier. This is absolutely what is needed and how to clarify basics. Salute.


finally a video which captures all the concepts of a subject, thank you so much sir for this. Can you make more of such videos on other subjects like SOM, TOM etc?


You're the best teacher. No one could teach the concept of availability and irreversibilty so clearly.


Best video for preparation, with help of this video i have cleared the M-tech thermal interview round in IIT jodpur


Sir you are god of Mechanical engineering...
If we get teacher like you in college we will be able to crack any exam without coaching..


Thank you so much Sir for such efforts 🙏 I was asked about Brayton cycle and diagram for that during interview ... IISc Bangalore Aero. I felt confident enough to face the panel only because of these videos uploaded on youtube by you and many others in the same field ...


Excellent lecture sir. I got clarification in all my concepts. Thank you so much from bottom of my heart.


You are torch bearer sir
Before this lecture i was unable to give response to any thermodynamics question after this video I am able to give answer. Thanks a lot sir for your effort 💫💫💫👌👌👌❤️❤️❤️


Sir u r simply awsome ✌👌 ur teaching style is unique... There is no comparison.. N no one can teach like u... Sir m passed from NIT bhopal... Even i haven't saw any teacher there like u... 🙂


Amazing content....
Initially I was finding Thermodynamics too much confusing and difficult but after watching this video, it's Change my perspective towards it.
Now I am finding Thermodynamics as a interesting and easiest subject.


i have the interview on 1st sept so i watched ur videos from last 10 days sir.... your marathon videos are boosting my knowledge tremendously ... thanks a lot


Thanks sir for such a good question and there wonderfull explaintion please provide video for production also


cleared my bpsc exam ..what is ppm1 - told them, is there any machine resembling pmm1 yes sir nuclear questions also came from your fm, ice, thermodynamic,thanks alot i learnt more concepts in this last 15 days than in my whole 4 years ..thank you for such videos 😃




dont think twice! just start watching trust me you wont regret it.
