Legal Full Auto Explained: Building or Buying a Machine Gun

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Today’s questions: How can you Buy or Build a Legal Machine Gun? What about machine gun registration? Are full auto firearms even legal? The Armed Attorneys break down the gun law on full auto firearms.
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Emily Taylor: @2A_Attorney
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today we're talking about whether or not you can legally build a machine ... begin our conversation we have to know what we're talking about when we say machine gun and what we're talking about is something that fires automatically more than one shot from a single function of the trigger now there's a lot of other devices out there that replicate what a machine gun may look like or operate like and for purposes of our discussion i'm going to set those aside for a moment we're just talking about you know sincere designed and manufactured to be a machine gun from the beginning and not maybe some item that might transform it to be very similar so we're talking about guns that were built for the purposes of shooting automatically so this comes from the firearm owner's protection act and essentially any machine gun manufactured on or before may 19 1986 had to have been registered in order to be legal under federal law and so what we see nowadays anything manufactured after that date it's going to be an uphill batter battle as to whether that thing is going to be considered legal or not so talk let's talk about legal machine guns first in yeah well you know we have essentially a very small market supply of legal machine guns because the only ones in circulation for private civilian ownership are the ones that were already constructed and registered when may 19 1986 swung through our calendar so that firearm owner's protection act date is hard and fast there is nothing new they are incredibly expensive really hard to get your hands on because anything that is manufactured after 1986 may 19 1986 is just for police or military uses and so it is highly unlikely that anyone here watching unless you are police or military has actually touched a modern fully automatic rifle yeah and to answer our question of the day who can build really at the end of the day it's manufacturers for police and military use only so if you're a private civilian you maybe have a milling machine 3d printer or something like that if you were to manufacture you know a gun that fires automatically more than one shot from a single function of the trigger because we don't have time travel and you couldn't go back and build it and register it back before 1986 it's not going to be legal under federal law yeah and i mean to even just just expand that a little bit we have this federal definition that says that any machine gun component is itself a machine gun so if you have a 3d printer you get the plans for a full auto sear and you print it out even if you have you just have that seer you have not actually put a weapon together you're in possession of an illegal machine gun you're going to be fined up to a quarter million dollars i mean there's there is federal prison time associated that's a big deal so i mean it's something that unfortunately is hard and fast yeah it's a really important point that emily made and so i think it bears repeating unlike a short barreled rifle a short barreled shotgun where the disassembled item itself wouldn't be a shortbread rifle or short barreled shotgun having any of the machine gun components even if it's not fully assembled is going to be considered a machine gun so i just want to make sure we're crystal clear on that because this gets to kind of the point of our kind of pro tip and what we see in our practice which is oil filters solvent traps red coat hangers things like that items you can buy online or you see advertised online that may transform firearms into fully automatic machine guns so what's kind of what do you see in your practice emily if you have bought something on the internet that says that it may transform your rifle into a fully automatic weapon you do have a problem and in part the reason you have a problem is the atf ...
The material presented is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only and should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of a lawyer-client relationship. You should not rely on this information or its applicability to any specific circumstances without speaking with an attorney.
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Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @ArmedAttorneys
Richard D. Hayes, II: @TXGunLaw
Emily Taylor: @2A_Attorney
Make sure to subscribe for more gun law, self-defense, and firearm news.
Gun law, self-defense FAQs, and the 2A simplified every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4 PM CT.
today we're talking about whether or not you can legally build a machine ... begin our conversation we have to know what we're talking about when we say machine gun and what we're talking about is something that fires automatically more than one shot from a single function of the trigger now there's a lot of other devices out there that replicate what a machine gun may look like or operate like and for purposes of our discussion i'm going to set those aside for a moment we're just talking about you know sincere designed and manufactured to be a machine gun from the beginning and not maybe some item that might transform it to be very similar so we're talking about guns that were built for the purposes of shooting automatically so this comes from the firearm owner's protection act and essentially any machine gun manufactured on or before may 19 1986 had to have been registered in order to be legal under federal law and so what we see nowadays anything manufactured after that date it's going to be an uphill batter battle as to whether that thing is going to be considered legal or not so talk let's talk about legal machine guns first in yeah well you know we have essentially a very small market supply of legal machine guns because the only ones in circulation for private civilian ownership are the ones that were already constructed and registered when may 19 1986 swung through our calendar so that firearm owner's protection act date is hard and fast there is nothing new they are incredibly expensive really hard to get your hands on because anything that is manufactured after 1986 may 19 1986 is just for police or military uses and so it is highly unlikely that anyone here watching unless you are police or military has actually touched a modern fully automatic rifle yeah and to answer our question of the day who can build really at the end of the day it's manufacturers for police and military use only so if you're a private civilian you maybe have a milling machine 3d printer or something like that if you were to manufacture you know a gun that fires automatically more than one shot from a single function of the trigger because we don't have time travel and you couldn't go back and build it and register it back before 1986 it's not going to be legal under federal law yeah and i mean to even just just expand that a little bit we have this federal definition that says that any machine gun component is itself a machine gun so if you have a 3d printer you get the plans for a full auto sear and you print it out even if you have you just have that seer you have not actually put a weapon together you're in possession of an illegal machine gun you're going to be fined up to a quarter million dollars i mean there's there is federal prison time associated that's a big deal so i mean it's something that unfortunately is hard and fast yeah it's a really important point that emily made and so i think it bears repeating unlike a short barreled rifle a short barreled shotgun where the disassembled item itself wouldn't be a shortbread rifle or short barreled shotgun having any of the machine gun components even if it's not fully assembled is going to be considered a machine gun so i just want to make sure we're crystal clear on that because this gets to kind of the point of our kind of pro tip and what we see in our practice which is oil filters solvent traps red coat hangers things like that items you can buy online or you see advertised online that may transform firearms into fully automatic machine guns so what's kind of what do you see in your practice emily if you have bought something on the internet that says that it may transform your rifle into a fully automatic weapon you do have a problem and in part the reason you have a problem is the atf ...
The material presented is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only and should not be construed to be formal legal advice or the formation of a lawyer-client relationship. You should not rely on this information or its applicability to any specific circumstances without speaking with an attorney.
This material was produced in the United States of America. No part of this material may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.