Street-level Apologetics: Apologetics 101 by Jeff Durbin

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Jeff Durbin of Apologia Church teaches for a session at the "Sound & Pound" conference at Roosevelt Community Church in Phoenix, AZ. Jeff teaches us some very important biblical starting points on Christian apologetics as well as demonstrating the intellectually tough-mindedness of Christianity. Jeff also taught "how to" and "how not to" do apologetics with some helpful examples using a debate between a Christian and an Atheist. Jeff also discusses the Apostle Paul's encounter on Mars Hill.

This is a very helpful resource! Share it with friends and family!
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I prayed this morning for guidance on how to approach a loved one. This popped up in my feed. God is good.


So glad God sovereignly decreed that Jeff would grow his beard longer.


I am grateful for spending my time watching this. thanks Jeff. mostly, thank You Jesus Christ.


"I know what other people are thinking better than they do and I can't be wrong because this book says so." Wow. I'm convinced.


Love this guy.🤗 Thanks be to God for him in this generation! We can all learn from him to step out boldly for the glory of God n His Kingdom. Let's make sure Jesus Is LORD n master of our lives n be consistent with the message we bring.


Excellent approach! Thank you and may Christ fill your life with His abundant joy and mercy. It’s in the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.


Jeff: this is a mistake was making in my debates. I thank God that he led you to film this sermon and put it on YouTube.


How do you know the message is blessed? Look how they pray!! Knew I was in the right place as soon as the video started with prayer. On YT that is rare, thank you so much brother!!


Im a 10 year old and I teach in sunday school this is gonna help me this Sunday Thank you :) 👏🙏👏🙏


this is such a great video . saving it because there is mich to unpack and take note on!


This guy is OUTSTANDING in one on one street evangelizing and opologetics, the guy is quick on his feet and he always brings the conversation back to Jesus. Which is a must, when you are street evangelizing, or doing apologetics.


This channel is spot on, very good theology.


wow I want to be like you mr. durbin I greatly appreciate what your doing. I want to learn and do what you do..


Great teaching, thank you and God bless


I thinks it hilarious that my ad that showed up was Bernie Sanders. Anyway great material Pastor Jeff!


I read in scripture that no one can come to God unless the father draws them, the reason they can’t hear us is because they are spiritually dead people.And what can dead people do? The answer is nothing, we are asking them to do something they are not capable of doing.However we are commanded to preach the gospel to them anyway, So as I’m witnessing to people Iam aware there will be resistance to hearing what I’m trying to communicate to the Un saved person, I myself was unaware that there was a God that cared for and loved me, untill He revealedHimself to me I wasn’t looking for God He found me I didn’t find him .So I was 38 yrs old and a drunk when He found me, so when He revealed Himself to me it was a irresistible grace that I felt, I had no choice, He called I heard and had to come, I’ve been sober 34 yrs now, I’m in my 70’s now I never had to go to any programs no AA nothing I realize this is not the norm so I consider myself blessed and am so thankful To god for His love and mercy on me .So I tell myself when witnessing that it’s all up to God who comes and who doesn’t come and that lifts a heavy burden off of me that I may, or may not, be communicating the Gospel message correctly or not .I do realize that maybe some of you may not agree with what I saying however at this point and time in my life this is how I feel about sharing the Gospel Be Blessed Brother & sisters Howie 🎚


Very good brother! I listened to this randomly while working and was better equipped to share with my co workers. Thank you Much


I randomly asked for help with sharing the gospel and was directed to this video. It was definitely helpful. God bless


Awesome video on apologetics! Loved the zeal Jeff had; however, Once you get someone to realize the error in their ways, they must repent, and believe in Christ as Lord and Savior, and be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts:2-38) Baptism is a very necessary piece to salvation that a lot of people miss! There are countless scriptures on this, but if you want to learn more on this, then please look up the International Christian Church! We’ve successfully planted our 100th church in Lima Peru, and have churches in every populated continent in the world. Truly preaching the Gospel to all nations. I do pray that one day, all believers can be united as the word declares "There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all."
- ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:4-6‬‬


I once had a friend who a friend who had a leather braclet like Jeffs…My older brother said “you waiting for a falcon to land on your arm?” I almost died 😂😂.Anyways, Love your work Ps Jeff and all youre doing!
