Don't make these 51 Mistakes in German - Part 1 | Learn German | A1-C1 | Grammar

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In our May-Special - 3 video series, you will be learning 51 mistakes that you should never make, if you are learning German. Maybe there are some you already know. But mistakes help you learn better! Are you ready for it!? .
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Рекомендации по теме

0:32 - 1
1:13 - 2
1:47 - 3
2:20 - 4
3:07 - 5
3:46 - 6
4:08 - 7
4:28 - 8
5:04 - 9
5:34 - 10
5:59 - 11
6:24 - 12
6:49 - 13
7:23 - 14
7:40 - 15
8:05 - 16
8:45 - 17
Phew, I did it. I really needed the timestamp but that's fine. Thank you so much for sharing this "51 mistakes" series!
Vielen Dank und alles gute!


For beginners this is quite helpful, however, in colloquial / native German one might note a few additional things.

"Ich mags / Ich mag es (das Bild)" is perfectly acceptable, all be it not very ellegant.

You can say "Mein Vater is ein Ingenieur.", the article is only left out when adding "von Beruf".

By adjusting the posessive, you could say "Heute besuche ich meiner Freundins Eltern.", which sounds a tad posh and may imply that the (girl) friend does not come along.

The statement form "Ich heiße Maria." can also be used as a question, which is usually indicated via cadance shift at the end.
(Same as in English, "My name is John?"/"Is my name John?")

In rare occaisions the sentence "Ich bin gut." can be used as an answer when asked for ones well being or satisfaction.
More common forms are "Mir gehts gut." or "Alles gut." (everything is good / ok).

The correct pronoun used for the last example would indeed be 'Ihr', "Das ist ein Mädchen. Ihr Name ist Mina."
The pronoun 'Sein' would be used for male or neuter.
While the word 'Mädchen' is in fact in neuter, this is a specific circumstance where you would not choose the the pronoun based on the noun 'Mädchen' but rather the sex of the individual in question.
Using the neuter 'Sein' here would be viewd as down-right rude and insulting.

The sentence "Vor drei Jahren habe ich mit meiner Frau geheiratet." is indeed the wrong way to go about it.
For fun though, it may imply either a double wedding or a relationship between more than just two people.


I'm German and we use what's said as wrong a lot, so don't worry 😂So +60 percent of it anyway


"Ich mag das Bild" ist absolut korrekt


I just started learning German today and it is a relief to know that there is so much good content on the internet.


This is so helpful for beginners, thank you!


Vielen Dank für Ihnen. Es war sehr Helfrich. Meine Prüfung ist in eine Woche.


Was für ein hilfreiches Video! Ich freue mich auf ähnliches von Ihnen, insbesondere das Sprechen zum Interview und Telefongespräch.


(9:15) As a German, #17 is wrong, switch "ihr" and "sein" and it's correct! :)


Das finde dieses Video sehr nützlich. Vielen Dank.


extremely helpful now I have specific goal ! more and more to improve with you my skill language german to learn thanks


these examples rectify and simplify much info on internet/ in books including l inguaphone....v helpful😊


90% of errors come from English mixing. Unfortunately most of us are learning English as first foreign language.
That's why it's hard to replace just a single word in almost identical sentences like:
I make a soup FOR dinner.
Ich mache Suppe ZUM Abendessen :)
P.S. there isn't any logic with Mädchen and Junge sorry :D In every language female sex is with femminine article and male sex is with masculine article even talking about children :)


Die Pizza gefällt mir - basically means - The Pizza has a nice look...and "good looking" doesn´t mean that it also tastes good.

By using the verb "gefallen" you are always expressing "seeing the beauty in something or someone"...might be "the look of a person", "the attitude of a person", "how things look like", "how things are done", "a certain thought process" etc.

According to the shown alledgedly wrong framed question "Du isst gern Pizza?"
It is not wrong at all to ask that way BUT it just isn´t a "Yes/No question"
By framing that question that way the questioner is already assuming that you like to eat Pizza and the expected answer is a "Yes" and the questioner would be heavily surprised (if not even feeling heavily insulted when it isn´t about a just trivial Pizza) when the answer is then a "No"...but I have to admit that isn´t "beginner stuff" that´s already "needy greedy deep dive semantics" for advanced German learners.


I love your videos and I really appreciate all the effort you put into teaching this language.

But I'm always confused as to how exactly does the German sentence structure look like? Sometimes verbs are in the 2nd place, sometimes at the end, I've also seen where "ist" was at the end of the sentence.😢

Sometimes the subjects are in the middle or at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.

Likewise all other elements of the sentence structure; they tend to be inconsistent in their positions. It makes it more confusing!

Any help? 'cause I really need it.


danke sehr noch ein mal!!🙏. Mit Ihnen immer Fortschritte.❤


Yeah, right.🤦‍♂️Wenn man super korrektes Deutsch spricht ist man entweder kein Muttersprachler oder man ist Deutschlehrer.


Is there any specific logic behind the articles at 4:27? "My father is an engineer" in English and "Mein Vater ist Ingenieur" auf Deutsch. Another example would be "I have a feeling that" vs "Ich habe das Gefühl, dass". I know that you are not supposed to mix two languages together but I feel like there's nice logic behind the articles in English and in German I feel like that sometimes you can't really explain it and you just have to learn it. Or is there any logic in these cases I have just mentioned?


STOOOOP: this is wrong. 'ihr' name ist mina is right. HER name is mina. this is misinformation. sein name ist mina would mean 'his name is mina'


Erläuterung Nr. 6 ist falsch, weil sie den Anschein erweckt, „möchten“ sei ein Infinitiv. Möchten ist der Konjunktiv II von mögen und kann als solcher keine Vergangenheitsform haben.
