Help! My child is stealing things - Maggie Dent

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In this "Maggie Moment" one of Australia's favourite parenting authors Maggie Dent discusses the tricky dilemma of children stealing. Maggie looks at this at different ages and discusses how to explore the concept of ownership with children and when we as parents need to worry. She also explores what is under the stealing – do your children need money for something? Is this a part of their need to belong? What are the best tactics to deal with this and make this a learning they will never forget.

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My son kept stealing from us, and lying about it. Now, we don't feel safe leaving money in the house.


What if it's just stuff, not money? He just takes and takes and lies about it. Just takes things because he wants it. It's crazy.


I am in a similar situation as all of you guys and one of the reasons my kid did it, well this is what he said: I wanted my "friends" to like me. Nobody wants to talk to me but when I have money and I buy them stuff they do. 😭😭😭
No matter how many principles and advises on friendship you give your kids, some will go the extreme to fit in.


What if your son is coming from a different home and different background and lying and stealing while once used as survival tactics are now just an everyday part of who they are. How can I as a father rollback years of self taught deception? I also hqve other younger children in my home and I do not want them to absorb these behaviors….We have had multiple sit down sessions. We have tried removal of priveliges when necessary ans rewarded honesty when it is apparent. I am honestly at my wits end with this kid. He told me this is the only way he knows. I explained why his behavior will lead to long term unhappiness and unfulfilled relationships. I just do not know what else I can do to show him why its not the way to be.


When we were little my cheapest parents would never give us some change so we could get a bag of chips or anything like that of course we're going to take the money from their wallet


My so. Is taking stuff from myself and my husband, his dad. We can’t figure out exactly what his reasoning is


This is more for older kids what if your child is 5
