Carriere Patient Testimonials

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Carriere® Confidence. For Life.™

The Carriere Orthodontic treatment approach is the next generation orthodontic solution that consistently achieves exceptional results in less time.

The Carriere Orthodontic treatment approach incorporates the latest advances in orthodontic technology with gentle forces that work with natural physiology to correct your bite at the beginning of treatment. By having your orthodontist use the Carriere Motion™ Appliances in the beginning stages and then transition you into Carriere SLX™ Self-Ligating braces to complete treatment, the total time in treatment is greatly reduced when compared to other traditional approaches. SLX braces are used because they provide efficiencies over traditional braces.

The Motion appliance corrects the alignment of the upper teeth to the lower teeth for a more aligned bite. Depending on your problem, your doctor will use the Motion Class II Appliance as an alternative to the uncomfortable Herbst or headgear, or they might use the Carriere Motion Class III Appliance instead of a complex surgical procedure or the reverse pull facemask. Both Motion devices provide a unique opportunity to change your bite by repositioning your jaw in the proper position before transitioning to braces or aligners. Both appliances are aesthetically pleasing with their unique design which makes them hardly noticeable in your mouth. While wearing either Motion Appliance it is easy to brush your teeth leading to potentially improved oral hygiene compared to other appliances. Not only that but the quality of your speech will not be affected unlike wearing other traditional orthodontic appliances.

In short, since the Motion Appliances are placed before your braces or aligners are used, it is possible to correct your bite quicker. This means shorter overall orthodontic treatment time leading to a beautiful smile sooner than ever before.

Once your bite is corrected the Motion Appliances are removed and your orthodontist will place Carriere SLX Self-ligating Braces to correct the alignment and individual positioning of your teeth. Carriere SLX Braces are different from traditional braces as they do not require elastic ties to hold the archwire in place. The placement of elastic ties on traditional braces puts unnecessary pressure and increased friction on your teeth which may cause more discomfort and may increase treatment time compared to the lower friction SLX approach. Instead of elastic ties, Carriere SLX Self-Ligating Braces feature a sliding gate that opens and closes to engage the wire, allowing the teeth to move more quickly and allows the orthodontic technician to insert wires more easily and more comfortably than conventional braces. The free-sliding technology using lower force and less friction moves your teeth more quickly, naturally, and comfortably than traditional braces. The Carriere SLX Braces combined with the Carriere Motion Appliance allows for less time in braces, shorter treatment times, and beautiful faces and stunning smiles. FOR LIFE
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