Carriere® Motion™ Appliance for Class II Patient Education Animation 2

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The Carriere® Motion™ Appliance is used for Class II patients, to correct Class II at the beginning of the treatment, before braces or aligners are placed. The appliances simplicity and ease-of-use add up to more predictable results and overall shorter orthodontic treatment time. Plus, patients to have less time in braces making the Motion Appliance a real game changer!

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I have it right now. It works really good!!! I hate my teeth so much and I can see a difference after only 1.5 month. It really worth the inconvenience, and it doesn't hurt so much..


Though your exhibit shows a dental class 2 there is a significant mandibular retrognathia. Correction of the "dental issue" ignores the skeletal imbalance and potential airway issues.


trust me wear your elastics i was supposed to have this for 9 months but cut it down to 5


That is incredible - I'm amazed how humans have the intelligence to be able to straighten our own teeth using these appliances, unbelievable.


Idk why, but this video is so satisfying


I just got mines on last weekend and am wearing it in conjunction with Invisalign. in detail, my top front four teeth plus all of my lowers have invisalign and my canine to first molar have the Carriere devices. I think my Ortho is very smart. She must be aware that the lower molars could shift with the device,  hence why I stared a month of invisalign first. She also notice I could straighten my first four while the Carriere is making space. Cant wait to witness the results!


Um getting my braces tomorrow. Super excited 😌


I have it right now. I am supposed to have it for 6 months but I am getting it off in 3! WEAR YOUR ELASTICS!!!! (it doesn’t hurt. Just for one night. And the pain isn’t that bad!)


I just found out recently that I need this and am going to get it in the first few weeks. Before has anyone else experienced the following?

Pains in throat, neck, shoulder, chin, and headaches (for me usually on the one side.) Biting mouth often, occasional shortness of breath. Just wanting to make sure this will help treat the problems I have been dealing with.


It’s my first day today, hurts terribly but I got given clear ones so you can barely see them x


This is what I have and currently undergoing orthodontic treatment (braces). I had the distalizer. My maxilla is getting pushed backwards, but I am worried that I’d end up with recessed maxilla. I’d rather my mandible gets pushed forward.


It may look like it’s just the teeth, but if you look closely, the midface (upper jaw) moved back which is bad, it puts pressure on your sinuses and makes your face look flat


My dentist never told me I could get surgery so she did the technique in the video and it made my nose look bigger and my face look rounder because the chin is still small. Best solution is surgery.


is it better in this case to extract 2 upper teeth and bring the upper jaw backwards or use elastics to bring the lower jaw forward???


This procedure is treating a skeletal problem dentally, which is the worst thing a orthodontist can do to a patient. The patient has a Skeletal Class 2, which means the lower jaw is trapped back by the shape of the upper jaw (usually too narrow or front teeth leaning back). Instead of correcting the upper jaw first by developing it with an orthopaedic appliance, this procedure retracts the upper teeth to match the lower jaw in its retruded (backwards position). The result is 100% going to be Temporomandibular joint problems (as the condyle goes off the disk and starts clicking) and a retruded chin profile. The correct method would be to first treat the narrow maxilla, then advance the lower jaw with a functional appliance, and then finish the orthodontic part with fixed braces. There is plenty of research that shows that it takes at least 6 months for the mandible to be translated forward, so you need time for your bone to remodel, it is just the way nature works. The best appliance to translate the mandible is a Twin Block appliance, and you have to wear it for 6 months, at least, full time. Unfortunately, this Carriere system is hyped up and is all money driven. It is going to leave thousands and thousands of patients with Temporomandibular problems that is a nightmare to treat at a later stage. The same can be said for orthodontics involving extraction of the upper premolars.


I've had mine for about 2 months and my teeth are looking pretty spread-apart and not too cute and they're loose. Which is a good thing, they say, so they can move, but all that's happening to my teeth makes me a little nervous. Like my incisors are going to pull straight down and out of my mouth! The elastics--from the beginning--have been oddly comfortable and I prefer them in rather than feeling compelled to remove them. Is that weird? I'm on force 2 now which are a little more difficult to string up, I admit. But I've had some gum recession above one of my incisors, as they seemed to have pulled downward, so I'm hoping braces will help correct that. Not sure. Oh, and I'm 59! I never expected to get braces--was told I would need jaw surgery to correct my overbite (this was around 30 years ago)--but I declined that route. I just went in recently wanting to help with some overlapping of my two top teeth. $5000 + later, here I am!


The same pblm i have, but my dentist suggests me to take 4 of my teeth😣. But without removing teeth its a very good solution 👌😁


I have the exact same thing just a bar in the back of my teeth to keep the shape I really can’t tell if they have made any difference I was using the strongest force 2 rubber bands and I’ll be getting braces in 4 days and still have to wear rubber bands so id like to see if anything changed and if my overbite was somewhat fixed!!👍👍👍


I have carriere and I hate it. It is better solution than removing tooth but it hurts SO BAD


so basically what it does is pushing your maxilla backwards instead of pushing the mandible forward, and if you will not mew during the treatment you might have recessed maxilla ?
