NCC Q32: What do justification and sanctification mean?

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A32: Justification means our declared righteousness before God, made possible by Christ's death and resurrection for us. Sanctification means our gradual, growing righteousness, made possible by the Spirit's work in us.
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"... we spend a whole life time becoming what we already are" [THAT'S SO AWESOME TO HEAR]


I do agree Sanctification is a very long daily process for the born again believer, it has been a long one for me since I was converted back in December 2018. I have never been the same though I had a lot of struggles since then, and since after I humbled myself in November 2019 after discovering I had fallen into a deadly trap of bitterness from Satan, sin is now starting to get weakened and become less dominant to me now. Before I was born again on December 13 2018 I was in a very broken and troubled state where I learned I needed to be convicted of my sin and come guilty before God so that I may receive pardon through Christ, after I agreed to be convicted I came under such a huge load of guilt and was made to feel the burden of my sins, of which there had been many transgressions I had committed in my old lost life. What sent me down the way to be born again was an awful tragedy I had to go through with losing my mom and dad to dying who were originally my grandparents at first but then a divorce happened in the family I was born into and I went to live with them when I was just a 2 year old baby I spent a long 25 years of my life with them until September 20 and September 21 2017. My mom was the first to die, and my dad went away dying on the next day and it shattered my heart and I was never the same again, I came to think God had used that tragedy to break my heart over all the sins I had done against Him for as long I could remember. I have honestly been very amazed by the radical changes He has done in my life, since He granted me repentance unto life I had done a lot of repenting since then and have continued to have faith in Him and in His Son Jesus Christ the only Jesus I want is the real One who is able to take sins forgive them and blot them out by His shed blood of which He bled and died on that cross on Calvary to free me from my old life of sin and death and reconcile me unto His Father God Almighty.


What an amazing message and amazing God we have indeed!! I've been in a very intense spiritual battle the past few months - and today the Lord led me to this message and that one verse Hebrews 10:14 literally tore down a major stronghold!! (I physically felt the pressure come off of me) That's the power of the Word of God, that mighty two-edged sword of the Spirit! Thank you Jesus!!


Excellent job! I love your excitement over the Word. You are a phenomenal teacher. Thank you, Mr. Piper. God bless you!


Really well put! This series is sensational. Praise God for gospel centered content like this! What an amazing God we have.


Pastor John, you have taught me so much. You're a good man. Thank you for this video.


The actual saving faith is mentioned in Galatians 2:20. "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Without THAT faith, life of Christ will not dwell in us. Most people don't know that point. Only through that faith, Christ will save us. Because Christ wants only us, not our old self or our flesh, which is always in enmity towards God.


Amen!! Couldn't have been better explained. God bless you Mr. Piper.


Amen! John Piper you have a way of putting things in simple language to be understood...thank you!


Amen AMEN!!!!
Praise God Almighty!!!
Yahweh, great is Your glory!!!!


What then is our responsibility or our work to do if it’s God’s Spirit that’s sanctifying us? Is it possible to be in a state of rushing the process of renewing one’s mind?


right thank you--- God gets all the praise.


Thanks very much for this clear and wonderful explanation and stay blessed!
Kind greetings from the lake of Zurich, Switzerland


Perfect 👍. We just expressing Jesus everyday ❤️


so nicely explained sir, God bless you


King James version. Hebrews 10:14 sais. For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. I don't know what version he's reading from.


Unbelievable, as I read these comments, just unbelievable. Just stick to the subject, the subject is, ,,the meaning of justification and he were teaching repentance, or being. Or some of the other comments, then we could understand them in its content, Lord have mercy, , , , ppl, , ,job well done. Pastor .


Thats a lot of technicalities in there... The truth is... Let's get to work and live like Christ.


God Bless you Mr. Piper 😃Well explained


I’m sorry, but you said the only way you can be justified is by faith, but James says you are justified by your works! How do you reconcile that Paul says you are justified by faith and James says you are justified by works?
