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Top Ten Board Games At Gen Con 2022
Hey, Welcome to my channel. In this video, I am going to be talking about a my top ten picks for games at Gen Con 2022 I hope you enjoy the video.
I will be talking about the following board games:
Furnace, Merchants of the Dark Road, The Rocketeer fate of the future, One Deck Galaxy, Juicy Fruits, Mind MGMT, Camel Up Off Season, Dinosaur World, Steam Up a feast Of Dim Sun and The Hunger board game
Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.'
Time Codes
0:00 Intro
0:15 Welcome
0:26 Parks Wildlife
0:52 Cora Quest
1:17 Great Western Trail Argentina
1:46 Starships Captains
2:03 Starship Captain breakdown
2:30 Northgard uncharted Lands
3:07 My Fathers Work
3:33 Maple Valley
4:08 Smash Up-Wormholes
4:36 Dead Reckoning
5:15 Clank Catacombs
5:50 Knight Fall
6:15 Wrap Up
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This means the world to me even if its a $1. I love making videos for you guys and this way I will never do paid reviews and keep making videos for you amazing people.
#gencon2022 #gencon #bestboardgame2022 #kickstarter #toptengames
#kickstarterboardgames #Crowdfunding #gamesatgencon #toptGames #toptenboardga
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Hey, Welcome to my channel. In this video, I am going to be talking about a my top ten picks for games at Gen Con 2022 I hope you enjoy the video.
I will be talking about the following board games:
Furnace, Merchants of the Dark Road, The Rocketeer fate of the future, One Deck Galaxy, Juicy Fruits, Mind MGMT, Camel Up Off Season, Dinosaur World, Steam Up a feast Of Dim Sun and The Hunger board game
Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below.'
Time Codes
0:00 Intro
0:15 Welcome
0:26 Parks Wildlife
0:52 Cora Quest
1:17 Great Western Trail Argentina
1:46 Starships Captains
2:03 Starship Captain breakdown
2:30 Northgard uncharted Lands
3:07 My Fathers Work
3:33 Maple Valley
4:08 Smash Up-Wormholes
4:36 Dead Reckoning
5:15 Clank Catacombs
5:50 Knight Fall
6:15 Wrap Up
Want to Help The Channel Grow?
This means the world to me even if its a $1. I love making videos for you guys and this way I will never do paid reviews and keep making videos for you amazing people.
#gencon2022 #gencon #bestboardgame2022 #kickstarter #toptengames
#kickstarterboardgames #Crowdfunding #gamesatgencon #toptGames #toptenboardga
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