MAGA & The Paradox Of Tolerance

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Even as a Catholic this is ridiculous, my rights aren’t something to mess with


I love how you explain everything! I also agree! I love your videos and hope you keep the good work!


The ha det at the end made me happy cuz I’m currently studying norwegian and i usually don’t see a lot of it in the media i consume so thanks for adding that at the end


Awesome video. I agree with everything you said :)


First time hearing about the paradox of tolerance and yep, you can’t really be tolerant to the side that is intolerant. That would be reductive.

Also I love the outro music! What’s it from? Honestly, just send me your playlist because it slaps hehe


while not entirely related, it made me think of it even if just for a second. my engineering teacher, said something that rung in my ears for many years of my life. "failure isnt a setback it is a step to learn and succeed from, no matter how many steps" and this is a philosophy I hold for many things, there is never a perfect state, only an improving one. but it takes not being afraid of failure to take those steps without stumbling and at last reach your goal. that has nothing to do with politics but i thought of it.


great video as always! i really admire you for being able to phrase everything such cogency ^_^
hope you and your bf stay safe these next few years ❤️🐈


My father was this kind of person, and most likely still is, but he's not in my life anymore, so I don't know. All I know is that despite being Canadian, he has said multiple times that if he could vote for the U.S. president, he'd choose Trump in a heartbeat and that hurts so bad to know. I call him my father, but he did transition, but got heavily invested in Q-anon and ended up saying he was brainwashed into it, and he detransitioned. But to me, that doesn't give him the right to tell me I'm wrong for living as myself just because he may have made the wrong choice for himself.

People claim to be tolerant with a different opinion, and that's all, but that's not what's happening. In my personal experience, it's a way to catch people off guard, since typically people don't have the immediate definition of tolerance for just any argument they're in or the definition of an opinion, and you just end up not answering because what they're saying is so wrong and absurd, but you can't articulate why to them.

Taking people's rights away because of religious beliefs, or using religion as a front to take people's rights away just so they can get more power and influence isn't right. Period. I don't mind people who are religious or spiritual. You believe in something beyond us? Great, cool for you. But that shouldn't be a reason people end up severely affected negatively, or dead.

My parents used to say it should be a crime that there are less churches around now or religious schools where we are because they brought community. But what good is saying that when they're also the ones trying to tear so many communities apart.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


I noticed on bluesky that they won't listen to reason and throw around a certain hate group if you dont agree with them while I've had civil conversations with a few who have a different opinion


not these people saying WERE the bad ones when THEYRE the ones taking away thousands of peoples rights😓


I think the large difference is that at the end of the day even if trump lost the election, his supporters would not have lost any of their rights under kamala. when trump is in office afab people need to worry about their rights to their own bodies, trans people need to worry about their healthcare, gay people need to worry about their marriage rights, etc. its why I struggle to debate trump voters because I know at the end of the day they don't really lose anything no matter the result.


You should do a video on your thoughts on Palestine


man i hate the "it's just my opinion" defence of bigoted beliefs.


The intolerant are those who are unwilling to engage in rational civil discourse and instead use violence and suppression against their opposition.

Popper said himself that suppressing the mere utterance of intolerant philosophies would be "unwise", so long as they are willing to engage in civil debate and not resort to violence.

I put unwise in quotes because going by the previous statement they would actually be the intolerant. Using suppression or force against their opposition and being unwilling to engage in rational civil debate.

This is the frustrating thing that leftists either leave out or fail to understand when citing 'The Paradox of Tolerance' because ironically they are using it to justify being intolerant of ideas when the whole point of it was to warn us of the dangers of this kind of behavior.

Karl Popper did not do a good job in my opinion of articulating this point and thus left it open to miss use.


@godlesssnowshoe I don’t know too much about politics, but do you also agree Furries are mainly left-wing and likes cute, adokrable, and compassionate things.
While Anti-Furries are mainly right-wing and likes tough edgy, masculine, and sinister things?
I can’t be the only one who views it like this


You really don't seem to understand the paradox of intolerance, but rather the version used by twitter leftists and bread-tubers. Pauper actually argued that tolerance requires intolerance to be truly tolerant

"In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise."

While Pauper follows this claim by stating "we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force." This refers to if the person being intolerant is committing acts of physical violence against others. Or if there is a reigime like the red one from the 40s which is forcing intollerence on the population by killing its opposition.

The paradox of intolerance has nothing to do with having thanksgiving with your grandpa who voted for trump. In fact, I actually think cutting off friends and family who have supported you for years just because they voted for trump does more harm than good because it not only just reinforces the persecution complex of trump supporters; but also is (in my opinion at least) the reason the left sucks at making anti-trump arguments.


Yo the crooked animator called you out what do you think


Nice to see someone hates religion unironically, what’s the saying again? “Facts don’t care about your feelings” that plus why I am expected to coddle and respect an ideology that showed no respect for my own basic bodily integrity? Then tried to gaslight me into believing that’s acceptable? Why can’t we make up our own religion to get out of laws too


So much for the tolerant Left... I mean shame on them as well, I never liked them.


Sorry but stopping federal funding for transition surgery is not violence, it is not intolerance, it is not swinging at your face.
