Is addiction a choice?

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Excellent content doctor. Its such a loaded question especially when most ppl think addicts are someone strung out in the streets. A lot of addicts are functuonal and suffer in silence.


I wish more people believed this, or listened to you. Appreciate you so very much!! Thank you for being here…….again!!


This is why so many people love your videos & see the goodness & greatness, within you, it’s obvious, you were meant to save lives, having a Doctor like you, definitely increases the odds of success, on compassion alone, let alone skills & knowledge.


Absolutely love Dr.B he really understands and knows the truth about drug addiction, so many drug addicts struggle to stop but the withdrawal are the worst its a nightmare and hiding from your loved ones is no joke.,


When drugs loose their euphoria and you hate taking them anymore, but can't stop because you get sick, you've passed through the gates of Hell on Earth. Who would choose that? I didn't.


I’m an addict/alcoholic in recovery, been clean and sober for a year and a half. I didn’t choose that, just like people don’t choose to have cancer. They don’t choose to be disabled…all of these things are ailments none of us chose


It always floors me when people have more compassion for a regular guy having a bad day than a strung out homeless guy, mf the latter is suffering way worse!


Great answer. Addiction & alcoholism are dehumanizing misery. Don’t start. No matter what, don’t even experiment.


Thank you. It's way beyond just being selfish.


At MN Teen Challenge and others i was taught that it's 100% my choice to listen to Satan and choose to use drugs. And my family was taught in their family group sessions that all addicts are essentially like children and need to be treated as such if they want to earn the trust back of their loved ones... they also encouraged us to perform exorcisms on each other and my counselor had "anointing abilities" - when she placed her hands on a person's head they were supposed to experience a warm buzzing sensation... whatever the hell that means....


Dont let their addiction ruin your life.


No one would choose that even well informed ppl that made the biggest mistake in their life


I thought I was at rock bottom and lost everything through the drink and thought I knew what I was letting myself in for with the kit but, Fuck Me Sideways!, I had my first 6 lines when I was 21 and took it only as a treat no more than twice or 3 times at most a year for 10 years until I moved in with my friend when I was 31 and he was selling it. Within 3 months I had a habit. I probably had a habit in less than 3 months but I only realised when I went up to my birds for a night, came down in the morning and he had fucked off with a half ounce and left me with Jack Shit! I had to go to another dealers and get him to square me up with a point 1. That was the first time I rattled for it. October 2015 and I literally have had 7 years of bad luck man. The only thing I've not lost is my teeth coz I refuse to go on Methadone and my legs coz I'm scared of needles thank fuck. I'm on 16mg of Subutex though and I've been referred to rehab today so wish me luck coz I'd have no luck if it wasn't for bad luck hahaha.


they dont enjoy addiction
they enjoy the peace they feel from using
they enjoy the escape from this dark corrupt self serving world
there would be no need for this type of drug use if we didnt allow psychopaths to run the world...


Still a choice. Just an awful choice. Telling them they're victims will only make it worse


I'm having a neurological damage giving me severe involuntary movements and related pain. So, I have been taking benzodiazepines from the time I discovered that sleeping pills made it far easier to move and easier to do manual work, like laboratory work and using the typewriters/computers as well. I started working for the government, as a toxicology adviser, back in the end of 1989. At the age of 27. So, I've been addicted to diazepam / clonazepam for more than half my life. I have tried to stop using them several times, but my movements become such a mess, that I'm back in my childhood neurological nightmares and worse, that if they were not available from the medical system, I'd probably start to prepare benzodiazepines for myself!
I will not stop using them, unless a more selective type of drug, like imidazenil or pagaclone become available.
I've also used small amounts of buprenorphine and large doses of paracetamol, for about 20-25 years... Well, I think I would've been dead now, because I couldn't live in an institution, so I hope to use drugs until I commit suicide because I'm to old to be living in this cesspit of a world!
I have known many people who use illegal drugs, and a friend of mine, has been using opioids and other drugs since the early 1980s. I remember saving his life several times. He's been OD-ing up to three times in one day... I don't think it's because it's so enjoyable, he's doing dope!
