Node Voltage Method - Example 2 (Trick: How to account for voltage polarities)

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This video shows how to apply node voltage method to solve a given circuit. There are 2 KCL equations in this circuit that need to be solved. These are solved using a scientific calculator. The solution is verified using PSPICE. The PySpice (Python) code to simulate the circuit is provided in the comments below.

The video has the following chapters:
(00:00) [1] Setting up the problem
(02:19) [2] Writing circuit equations
(05:04) [3] Solution using calculator
(09:02) [4] PSPICE solution
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# Pyspice (Python) code to simulate the circuit in the video is below.

import PySpice.Logging.Logging as Logging
logger = Logging.setup_logging()

from PySpice.Spice.Netlist import Circuit
from PySpice.Unit import *

circuit = Circuit('Node Voltage Method Example 2')

simulator = circuit.simulator(temperature=25, nominal_temperature=25)
analysis = simulator.operating_point()

for node in analysis.nodes.values():
print('Node {}: {:4.1f} V'.format(str(node), float(node)))

for node in analysis.branches.values():
print('Node {}: {:5.2f} A'.format(str(node), float(node)))
