Bible Prophecy Q & A With Pastor Jack Hibbs | VISION Calvary Chapel | Pastor Garid Beeler

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Contemporary Praise and worship, lead by The Vision City Collective, followed by teaching from Pastor Garid Beeler.

VISION City Church is committed to the mission of:

"Teaching the Bible, Equipping the Saints, Preaching the Gospel, and Jesus Builds the Church."

TEACHING THE BIBLE - "For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God." (Acts 20:27) -- We teach the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter, and book by book in order "...that the Christian may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

EQUIPPING THE SAINTS - "...equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ..."- (Ephesians 4:12) Our desire is for each individual to be equipped with a personal, working knowledge of the Bible. Thus, we place a great emphasis upon the teaching of God's Word. We equip the church so that they can be successful in serving each other and the community.

PREACHING THE GOSPEL - Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." -- (Mark 16:15) Preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ is at the core of VISION City Church. Each service will have the Gospel clearly presented with the Bible teaching. In addition, VISION for My City events will be taking place regularly throughout the year with the primary focus of evangelistic outreach to the community. During these events Pastor Garid will be clearly delivering the message of the Gospel! For "whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved." How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? (Romans 10:13-14)

JESUS BUILDS THE CHURCH - Jesus said, "...I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18) We believe that VISION City Church is the Lord's Church, the people are His people, and the work that takes place in His church and with His people is His work. God said, "I work, and who will reverse it?" (Isaiah 43:13)
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I was 60+ yrs. old when I heard the Gospel the 1st time! Had suffered 33+ yrs. w/mental disability. Was invited to go to Calvary Chapel, Chico, Ca. I sat WAY in back, ALONE. Pastor Sam Allen shared the TRUE GOSPEL and when I heard that "Jesus died on the cross FOR ME", I WENT DOWN on my knees, and CRIED "God HELP ME! I NEED YOU NOW"! I did NOT go forward for the Alter-Call, but I stayed on my knees, until JESUS lifted me UP into His arms! Let me say this: I was mentally ill, and the WORST FORNICATOR EVER! I thought 'love' was physical! That's the ONLY expression of 'love' I'd ever known. But, when God forgave me, Not only does He 'remember no more' my past sinful life, God forgave me, and REMOVED from my mind, heart & soul, ALL memories of that wretched life, AND, The Lord God removed from ALL of me, ANY & ALL need, desire, and 'HOW-to's' of physical 'love'! Not ONE TIME, since I became "Born-Again", have i had a single carnal thought! I've been alone with JUST JESUS since approx. 1986, BY CHOICE! In my PRAYER time, I've taken vows to My Lord Jesus Christ! As Pastor Greg Laurie says, "God doesn't just 'call the qualified. He Qualifies those He calls". So TRUE! All I knew prior to my salvation was John 3:16! That;s All! God/Jesus has called me into His 'STORY', to be His ambassador; an Evangelist, to the people anywhere I go who will 'hear' the Gospel. Pastors Greg L., Jack H., Amir T., Barry S., Mike G., Gary H., J.D. F., David J., and Jan Markel, Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro, Dinesh D'Souza, And the FIRST online pastor I studied with/is Don Stewart! I'm an Eschatological Evangelist, because God put me in study with Pastor Don First, and I LOVE telling others the GOSPEL, and Prophetic history; fulfilled and future! Pastor Jack, You're a GREAT teacher of the Word! ALL Calvary Chapel is GREAT! "Perfect love casts out all fear"! Amen!


Sadly, as a teenager in that time & living in the midwest, I never heard of anything about the culture revolution except ‘woodstock’. It was disgusting to me as a young believer. There was no internet then, and even being in an evangelical church, I was never made aware of the Jesus movement.😞 Praise God, 4 years ago, I found Pastor Jack and others and was finally fed the meat of God’s Word.🙏✝️💟


I have not had a TV for six years. When I went through the covid year I was diagnosed with cancer. I went through the treatments holding the hand of my sweet Jesus. There was no sickness no side effects. Jesus healed me. Then I fell and and have been dealing with a concussion this past year. I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me to embrace where I was and what I would be going through. I dove into the Word of God. When we seek Him we find Him. We draw near to God He will draw near to us. I have learned so much these last few years of trials.
Our God is faithful.


Thank you Jesus for these men who love you and speak the truth without fear. 🙏


Watching from Southeast Asia!!! The first time I understood the Bible clearly was when I was 14 years old, I was visiting California. It was in a Calvary Church by Pastor Greg Laurie. Thank you so much for YT channels like this, Amir Tsarfati, Jan Markell, JD Farag, Skip Heitzig and many others. Glory to God!!!


I choose Christ as my Lord and Savior!!Praise Father, Son and Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of my sins.


It breaks my heart those who refuse Jesus! A client I’ve had for 5 years laughed in my face and said she didn’t believe in God, the Bible or Jesus. I told her He believes in her and loves her. She told me that she didn’t CARE what I feel or believe concerning God. She then accused me of trying to convert her. I told her I loved her and didn’t want her to go to hell and perish for all of eternity which is the penalty for her sins. She was so hateful about what I was sharing. I told her I understood that she hates that I’m sharing this truth with her because the world first hated Jesus. She asked why I always talk about my faith with her and I told her I’m commanded by Jesus to tell others and that I also am one with God and cannot separate Him out of my speech. I told her that I would understand if she didn’t want to continue coming to me(I’m a hairstylist) on account of her being “uncomfortable” with who I am. I reiterated that I love and care about her and thanked her for accepting me as I am as I do her. She said she would have no problem coming back…we shall see. It was quite exhausting having a conversation with her as she mocked and scoffed at everything I told her about Jesus. Lord, keep strengthening me to share the Gospel with a hostile world.


The pretrib rapture is sound biblical doctrine. To anyone saying otherwise, hope to see you in the air.


Thank the Lord for Pastor Jack!! We need more Pastors like Pastor Jack! My prayer is that Pastor Jack will be blessed by rest and more anointing from the Lord! He is leading us as the Word says! No other!


❤ Gods blessings to bless you all and keep safe.- Bill in Hawaii


My parents never took us to church but two different times I had a friend with a pastor dad. I was drawn to the church and was even in the choir at a young age. I remember riding the church bus and I cried to go bc my parents weren’t very interested it. Sadly, I wasn’t saved until 28 years old and didn’t get serious about knowing the Lord until 12 years ago. Now He is the only way I’m getting through these dark days.


I've loved Pastor Jack for several years now. I watched Jesus Revolution, and to finally make the connection between the Jesus Movement of the late 60s early 70s is amazing. That movement has stood the test of time. I'm so blessed to have Pastor Jack as someone I turn to for guidance and understanding God's word.


Christians are beginning to be persecuted here in the US. Stay prayed up and repent daily, put on the full armour of God. I myself am just beginning to realize how important the Lord's armour is. God bless you all.


Holy Spirit you produce the peace in the life's of believers I ask that you take your rightful place in the hearts and life's of every member of my family let the fruit of peace began to show fourth in Our families Jesus you are the Prince of Peace come and rule over Our families in Jesus name 🙏 🙏🙏✝️🕊


I am confident in my Pastor. In August our church voted to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church. We knew we could no longer be affiliated with what the United Methodist Church had become. We had 1 opposing vote. I also believe that after COVID the congregations that chose to return to their church’s are the grounded believers in The Word & in Our Savior Jesus. Only with The Word of God can you prepare yourself of things to come. I thank you for the content you post on social media. It equips me with the knowledge & understanding that is written in God’s Word.


OH, and about four months AFTER my salvation day, GOD HEALED me of ALL mental illness I'd suffered for 33+ yrs.! Through continued prayer. Then. when I went to my 'mental' Dr. for meds. They re-evaluated me and RELEASED me BECAUSE I was HEALED! About a month went by and I responded to a 'job opening', went to their interview, and the SAME COUNTY Dept. that had been treating my illness, HIRED ME to work as a 'PEER-ADVOCATE to their 400+ disabled Adults! Is GOD GREAT or WHAT! He takes the WORST of things and turns it into HIS GREATEST! All for OUR GOOD & HIS GLORY! Thank You, JESUS! Oh, How I LOVE YOU! You are MY 1ST LOVE! All I am is YOURS!


We don't know how much more evil will come upon this world, however take comfort knowing God is in control. Be strong in faith and love for Jesus.


Praise God that He is moving in California and all across our nation and world. He is coming soon.




