Transport In Cells - Diffusion and Osmosis (Passive Transport In Cells)

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Explore what passive and active transport are! Includes what is passive transport, what is active transport, what is diffusion, what is osmosis, passive transport in cells, and passive transport in cell membranes. Additionally, this video introduces a few examples that helps broaden the understanding of what is passive transport.

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what is passive transport,what is active transport,what is passive transport in cells,what is active transport in cells,what is diffusion,passive transport and osmosis,passive transport and diffusion,passive transport diffusion and osmosis,passive transport inside of cells,what is passive transport cells,what is passive transport for cell membrane,what is passive transport in biology,what is passive transport diffusion,what is passive transport osmosis

The main topics we will be going over in this video are - what is passive transport, what is active transport, what is diffusion, what is osmosis, passive transport in cells, and passive transport in cell membranes.

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#passivetransport #activetransport #cell #celltransport #diffusion #osmosis #transportincells #whatispassivetransport #transportcells
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