Adam Savage's Top 5 Science Fiction Books

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In this episode of Ask Adam Savage, Adam answers this question from fan Cody Limber: "I've read and loved nearly everything you've mentioned on the Still Untitled podcast, but I need recommendations for sci-fi books. What are your top 5 favorite sci-fi books?" Side note: Adam could not stop at just five!

Buy Adam's recommendations here:

7. The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K. Le Guin:

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Also, it’s a great sign of a true sci-fi fan when their top 5 list has way more than 5 books on it.


_Neuromancer_ has one of the best opening lines in SF Literature:
"The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel."


I found reading all the comments very enjoyable!!! I began reading SF when I was 15 and am now 75. I must have read many many many sci-fi stories. The comments brought back remembrances of having read so many stories. It was also nice to know I was not the only Sci-Fi nerd.


Rendezvous With Rama, The Invincible, The Foundation Trilogy, Dune, The Martian Chronicles


'The Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy' I first read the four part trilogy 35 years ago after having watched the British TV series. In all those years I don't think a week has gone by that some element within those books hasn't been analogous and relative to the reality of life, the universe and everything.


I read The Left Hand of Darkness when I was 16, and I still remember the lessons it taught me as a reader. That was 15 years ago, and it may be one of the more influential books I read in my teens.

Also, I really love the Heinlein series. The way all of his books interact is always interesting and mind bending.


“Tell me of the waters of your homeworld, Muad’dib.”


1 Dune (series) by Frank Herbert.
2 The mote in God's eye (and following books) by Larry Niven and Jerrycan Pournelle
3 Foundation series and Robots series by Isaac Asimov
4 Rendez-vous with Rama (Rama series) by Arthur C. Clarke
5 books from Jack Vance
6 giant's star series by James Patrick Hogan


So glad you mentioned The 3 Body Problem trilogy. I thought it was an incredible trilogy and a very interesting cultural vantage point. Lots of original ideas...atleast new to me.


How does any top 5 list have less then 20 books in it?


The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein | the Foundation trilogy by Isaac Asimov | Ringworld by David Niven | The Ship Who Sang series by Anne McCaffrey | Hammer's Slammers series by David Drake | Lensman series by E.E. "Doc" Smith | the Chanur series by C.J. Cherryh | the Vorkosigan saga by Lois McMaster Bujold | the Journal Entries series by Elf Sternberg | Neuromancer by William Gibson

Limiting to a Top 5 is hard! Top 10 will have to do.


Ursula LeGuin's parents were Anthropologists. They met someone who was essentially an alien. He was a California Indian who was the last of his tribe. Her Mother, Theodora Kroeber wrote a YA and an adult book about him. They are Ishi, Last of his Tribe and Ishi in Two Worlds. The writing is luminous and immersive. Ursula's Mother was a marvelous writer who is not well enough known.


3 classics not mentioned: Rendezvous with Rama (Arthur C. Clark), The Foundation Series (Isaac Asimov), and Ringworld (Larry Niven).


The Lazarus Long novels by Robert Heinlein starting with Methuselah's Children
The Rama trilogy by Arthur C. Clarke
The Foundation novels by Isaac Asimov
The Robot novels by Isaac Asimov
The Lensman series by E.E. Smith
The John Carter of Mars series by Edgar Rice Burroughs
West of Eden series by Harry Harrison


I love, love, love that you included Left Hand of Darkness. Such an amazing book at any time but especially when it was written. Ursula for all the recognition she got is truly underated in my opinion.


An under looked gem is Forever War by Joe Haldeman. If you liked Starship Troopers.


Science fiction gained popularity in the pulp magazines of the 30's, 40's, and 50's. I recommend finding anthologies of short stories from the old mags so you can meet the authors who invented the science fiction we know and love.


The Three-Body Problem trilogy changed my life. Eastern Sci-fi is so different and has so many new ideas!


The Hyperion Cantos. Shuch masterpieces. Those have changed my views of Science Fiction and left deep memories!


So, just a insider point on 1Q84: the title is a pun. In Japanese, the number 9 in commonly pronounced kue (kyu in proper romaji). So, the pun is 1984, just in Japanese. Ichi, kyu, hachi, shi.
