Ask Adam Savage: Would You Have Changed Anything About MythBusters?

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Tested member Hugo Dahl wants to know, "Had you known the success that the show would have, would you have done something different from the start?" Here's Adam's answer. Thank you, Hugo, for your question and support (and sorry, everyone, for the ambient noise)! Join this channel to support Tested and get access to perks, like asking Adam a question:

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"There is no formula for success! There is a formula for failure though, and it involves thinking you know the formula for success..." - That is a great quote, instant classic Adam Savage!


When he started talking about how he couldn’t say grant’s name, I started tearing up 😭


The show hosts of Myth Busters weren't pretending to be know-it-alls. And that made the viewer feel like they were immersed, like they were investigating and discovering with the show hosts.
And, in my opinion, the chemistry between Jamie and Adam was fantastic!


That was the longest "no nothing" I have ever heard. Adam rambling along taking us on a story, that was, as always, very enjoyable.


Pretty good explanation on the Grant situation, but anyone who has lost any one close to them already knows how you feel.


I was expecting: "Yeah, I wouldn't let them shock me with the cattle prod."


I always believed Adam and Jamie did not have enough screen time with Grant, Tori, and Kari. I wanted to see them do more myths as a group when I watched this as a young teen.


"Barely contained chaos": sounds like the original Muppets Show.


RE: Trucks jack-knifing. In the early 70s I was on an engineering team that developed an electronic brake controller for travel trailers and fifth wheelers which is still being manufactured and now used around the world. I was also the test pilot - the unwitting test pilot, that is. And I discovered the propensity of such vehicles to jack-knife in a pickup truck towing a horse trailer on country roads. It was an exciting time in my young life.


I kept taking off my headphones to look for the small animal outside my front door, then realised the squeak was Adam's chair.


Grew up watching Mythbusters, amazing show! The thing I noticed was that in the beginning we saw a lot more of the process. At the end of the show, it was just replaying the same clips of what could happen in the end, over and over, while skipping over the actual process and builld.

It was amazing, I loved it. But at the end, it got too "reality showy" where they focused just showing big booms and intercuts, at the cost of the most interesting part.

I know this has nothing to do with the cast, Adam or jamie but the production/editing. But THAT is the one thing I would want have seen changed in this amazing show :) Thank you for the years of great content and inspiration to all us who watched it!


- "Oh no no no. There's no rewriting of the script. It's all done. We just want you to read it"
- "Oh that's easy then. I don't just don't want to read it"

We need the rest of this story


"There is a formula for failure, and that involves thinking you know the formula for success" straight up words to live by.


Thanks Adam, for taking my question and for such a great answer, and contrasting how Mythbusters went versus the "Science show which shall not be narrated".

As far as any relation to Roald Dahl, judging by the no royalty cheques I've received, or not having been named or mentioned as an heir, I would venture a fairly safe answer would be "likely not".


Thanks for mentioning that about saying Grant's name. I'm just a viewer, and whenever I think of him I get a little sad knowing he's not with us anymore. And I didn't even KNOW him. Thanks for everything you did on Mythbusters, and everything you continue to do on this channel and elsewhere.


Myth busters was one of my favorite TV shows of all time. Probably my number one favorite.
I miss it very much.

The cast, the intelligence of the idea, the “we’re not finished until we blow something up” the banter and chemistry between the cast,
It was entertainment magic.


My favorite Myth was Bullet in The Fuse Box.
Myth: Someone was shot by "a bullet in the fuse box of a truck". They brought an old truck into the shop that had the old style round glass fuses. To shorten the story, when it worked Adam was as giddy as a school girl. They redid the test a few more times. Adam was giggling, every, time. I think he said lets do it again. Then he ran to reset.


Mythbusters was a iconic part of a lot of peoples lives. I watched it everytime a new episode aired and rewatched episodes constantly.


Well Adam, I'm glad you were true to yourself declining that Discovery science show. I'm so sick of people working just from they employers script without thinking at all.