China's Communist Party Congress to wrap up Wednesday

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The Communist Party of China will conclude its 19th Party Congress today with all eyes on who will be chosen to lead the country's top decision-making body.
With more on this and other news around the world…we turn to our Ro Aram…
Aram… what can we expect from Day six of the gathering?

Well Semin as you said the focus is on which officials will replace the five outgoing members of the Politburo Standing Committee.
This is where the real power resides in China, but the final lineup will likely be announced on Wednesday - a day after the congress wraps up today.
Reports suggest a majority of candidates are political veterans old enough that they may serve just one term, making them beholden to Xi.
What is almost certain is that Premier Li Keqiang will stay on as Xi's right hand man.
It also appears increasingly likely that Xi will not include anyone younger, who may be considered to be his successor.
That's raising speculation the Chinese president may try to keep power in some form after his second term ends five years from now.
If President Xi chooses an heir too soon then it could dilute his own power, turning him into a lame duck.
But it's still too soon to speculate as these procedures happen behind closed doors and even the number of members of the PSC could change from the typical seven.
Meanwhile, President Xi has pledged to return the party to its Marxist roots under the banner of "socialism with Chinese characteristics".
He has also called on China to transform into what he called "a mighty force" in geopolitics, economics, military and environmental issues.

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