Origin of the Bulgars/Bulgarians / + Medieval history events

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Bulgars and Bulgarians are the same , they were not assimilated nor turks

Bulgars are a bolgaric ethno-linguistic group whcih originated from somewhere in Eastern Europe or maybe the Balkans, they spoke bulgaric language which was eventually preserved by the chinese and the local nomads and later given and spoken by the so called turkic people . They also created the proto-bulgaric runes and later improved the runes with a new better version called Orkhon which later was used by a number of nomads . The earliest evidence of the bulgars is from 15 millennium BC from a chronicle called Dzhagfar Tarihi .They created a country called Idel . This country spread to whole Europe and Asia .It soon collapsed and the only surviving bulgaric tribe moved to Northern China where they created a new empire called Xiongnu although the bulgars themselves called it Dulo .They had conquered China and later moved to the west .Under the rule of Avitohol or Atilla they ravaged Europe without mercy . After the death of Avito hol they had been pushed back by the romans .The son of Avito hol Irnik established a country in 462 AD which later was named Old Great Bulgaria and ruled by Kubrat . This country soon collapsed . Asparukh went for the Balkans , Kotrag for Volga , Altzek for Italy and Batbayan stayed to fight the khazars . Batbayan soon fell under khazarian rule . But later after the khazarian defeat against the arabs , Batbayan organized a riot against them and later founded Kara Bolgaria , which successfuly conquered the Khazars . Kotrag at this time founded Volga Bulgaria . Volga Bulgaria soon became one of the biggest trading centres during the medieval ages and had the biggest city at its time called Bolgar . After the Siege of Kiev , Ghabdula Chelbir realized what a threat were the mongols so he started preparing for war . In 1223 at the battle of Samara Bend , the mongols under the rule of Genghis Khan attacked but failed to conquer Volga Bulgaria . The mongols were all brutally massacred by the bulgars . Soon after Genghis Khan died and his son Subutai tried to conquer Volga Bulgaria yet again , but failed . The mongols later in 1236 came with an overwhelming army and conquered Volga Bulgaria. Volga Bulgaria was later revived as Kazan Khanate in 1430 . Asparukh aimed for the balkans , he had a huge strong bulgar army which easily managed to conquer the northern parts of Byzantium , the Avar Khanate and later managed to conquer the whole Greek territory of Byzantium . His country was later approved by the Byzantines. In 1242 the mongols tried to conquer Danube Bulgaria too , but were killed and pushed back .
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Nothing but praise for the creators of this awesome video!!!


This video got so many things wrong, and how the fuck could you get genghis din wrong? Subutaj is Temujins general not son
