[HD] The Protomen - Act II - The State Vs. Thomas Light

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The Protomen - Act II: The Father of Death - The State Vs. Thomas Light uploaded in HD quality for your viewing pleasure. If you like this, buy the album!
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Album premises you never would've expected to be so emotionally powerful: "Hey, wanna hear my dark and edgy Mega Man fanfiction?"


Could you imagine feeling so guilty....and then in the court, your eyes snap open, hearing "NOT"? Fuck I love this song.


I find it amazing how a game about a blue robot kid battling robots could inspire such amazing pieces of music


"Will our souls remember where we said we'd meet on the way out of this town?"


I love the end of the song. How even though the court finds him not guilty what you can really make out more clearly is Thomas Light's own personal verdict...guilty.


The vocals in this song are so powerful. Unreal talent, man.


Got chills at the "Guilty" part


This one... I've heard it so many times, but it still inspires tears every once in a while, especially when it catches me unawares.

I love these guys.
So much.


Oh god. It's so very, very rare for any sort of media to make me cry. Not that I'm not receptive to emotional stuff, it's just rare that outward expression is forcibly evoked from me.

I think I've cried for like... one TV show, maybe two video games. Never a song before, though.

But that lyric right there... *sniff* ... who's cutting onions in here man?


That's okay. I didn't need that heart anyway.


'What can a DEAD MAN DO?' Geeze :'(





12 YEARS! 12 years and this song STILL wrecks me.


The following is a little bit of my idea of how a full film of this album would look, continued from the last track in this channel:
*[Cut to WILY's show, as he soundlessly rants angrily and more sensational headlines concerning LIGHT run across the ticker. Cut to a family with small children happily sitting in front of the screen, the children watching with fascination as WILY continues ranting. As "The Hounds" fades away, cut to a bailiff in a courtroom holding a bible as WILY places his hand on it.]*

BAILIFF: *[spoken]* Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

WILY: *[spoken]* I do.

*[The courtroom is absolutely packed with people. The jury features THE PROTOMEN out of costume in plain clothing; LIGHT is sitting in a suit and tie next to his attorney, watching WILY on the podium as the prosecutor questions him...]*

PROSECUTOR: *[spoken]* Tell me, what exactly was your connection to the victim?

WILY: *[spoken]* Well, she was an engineer who regularly helped us on previous projects. She, Light, and myself eventually grew close. Light in particular was interested in her, though I admit, I had... feelings for her as well.

PROSECUTOR: Romantic feelings?

WILY: *[briefly pausing with slight emotion, palming a handkerchief and eyedrops out of sight under the podium, putting a few drops on the handkerchief as he speaks]* ...Yes. At first, though, I kept my distance--it was clear she and Light cared for each other. Then after a while, I noticed a change in her reactions to him. She seemed... unsettled about him, and his reactions to her grew more... intense.

PROSECUTOR: What do you mean by intense?

WILY: Well, to be honest, I began to suspect that their relationship had become... abusive to some degree. Not physically so, but the look in her eyes whenever he looked at her definitely showed fear. The night before it happened, she came to me, telling me that Light was scaring her, that she wanted out. She asked for me to help get her away for a while... I said... I told her I couldn't believe Light would actually do anything to harm her... so I didn't... I didn't help her...

*[WILY dabs at his face with the handkerchief as he puts on a show of emotion. LIGHT glares at him the whole time. The audience and the jury alike look at WILY with genuine sympathy. LIGHT's face is contorted with anger.]*

WILY: That day, after the presentation, he asked me about her. This time, though, he scared ME. He seemed paranoid. I told him I wasn't doing anything, that Emily wasn't the cheating type. He stomped out of the room. I called the police, but... if I had only helped her the day before... It's all my fault. God, it's all my fault!

*[WILY cries fake tears into his handkerchief. LIGHT is about to say something when he hears the words "it's all my fault"; a look of shock in his eyes as he sinks down into his chair, mouthing the words to himself. The rest of the courtroom becomes soundless, the trial continuing as the first notes of "The State vs. Thomas Light" play. LIGHT turns to look at the crowd in the courtroom, who look back at him in anger. He turns back ahead and stares off into space.]*

LIGHT: *[sung]* Emily, a crowd has gathered here,
But it is not because of you.
Emily, the taste of blood in their mouths,
I can't imagine what they'll do.
But it doesn't matter what they do to me...

Emily, have they forgotten you
When they set their sights on me?
They will hang me from the rope tonight.
Will you be waiting there for me?

Will our souls remember where we said we'd meet
On the way out of this town?
I'm leaving one way or the other, Emily.
There's nothing left here for me now.

*[the jury leaves the room to deliberate; LIGHT clasps his hands together in front of his face as his eyes water.]*

Emily, it's so quiet now;
It's like the calm before the storm.

*[As he sings the next few lines, tears begin to fill his eyes and he breaks down.]*

They will punish me for what he did to you,
But either way it's all my fault,
'Cause I made the man who laid his hands on you!
I would tear him down, but I feel like a dead man,
And what can a dead man do?

*[EMILY appears behind him, hand on his shoulder as LIGHT becomes an absolute wreck.]*

LIGHT and (EMILY with choir): (This is not your fault!) I'm leaving one way or the other, Emily!
(This is not your fault!) There's nothing left here for me now!

*[EMILY fades away from behind him. He looks up to see the jury filing back in. The jury leader is PANTHER, out of costume and in a suit.]*

LIGHT: Here comes the blow...

JURY LEADER: We find the only man who loved her, we find the only man who'd give his life to see her once again... We find this man...

*[close-up of the jury, now THE PROTOMEN in full costume and makeup singing the lines "not guilty"; cut to LIGHT weeping again as he cries out his lines.]*

LIGHT and (JURY/PROTOMEN): (Not guilty!) Guilty!
I am guilty! (Not guilty!)
I am guilty! (Not guilty!)

*[The crowd in the courtroom erupts at the verdict; the judge calls for order as LIGHT is led out of the courtroom by the bailiff. The first notes of "Give Us The Rope" begin...]*


it's the little things in life....  this little piano 'interlude' if you will at 0:45 is just... I don't know... it's so peaceful, yet sad at the same time...
kinda makes me feel like I'm missing something in my life. you know?


It's not a crowd that sings in this one, it's Emily (probably symbolizing Light's own inner conflict as he tries to forgive himself, as well as the truth of what happened).

Eventually, he can't manage to, despite the fact that he's found not guilty (although not innocent), so Wily whips the people into a frenzy to ensure he has to leave the city.


This needs to be an actual play lol, please some one make it real


That fucking voice, man. Goosebumps every time


holy crap i have not had goosebumps like this in a long time


1:50 to 3:45 is so strong. I get chills when he says her name.
