[HD] The Protomen - Unrest In The House of Light

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"You need to know...You are not him...This fight's not yours...YOU CANNOT WIN." Still gets to me.


"Well you see son... i created you to fight, but you really can't do it so don't bother. You're just a replacement for your brother.... boy, what a guy he was. I bet your brother would kick your ass. "
"Geez, thanks dad"


The line “they can’t be saved by just one man” is so key to the story. I feel like it gives a clue to how act 3 will have to end if the city is to be freed.


Took him 12 years to make Protoman, made Megaman almost overnight, Megaman is the stronger robot. GJ, Light.


Light told Megaman that he would not win. What he meant was he would fail to bring vengeance for his fallen brother. He, Megaman, would fall just as Protoman did. The words brought new meaning unto themselves in the climax. Megaman had not won, he had not given up and he certainly had not lost.

He just could not win.


Worse still, you could argue that Dr. Light accidentally made things worse by creating Protoman. The hero he built for the people of the City was a high-tech robot designed to defeat Wily's forces, and presented to them as a nigh-messianic figure -- in other words, Protoman was an exemplar that the people could not hope to live up to, making them even more apathetic than before. And when he fell, the people fell with him.

Yeah, the Protomen universe just kind of hates poor Tom like that.


Part of me wonders if Light repeating you are not him is Light trying to tell that to himself. That his second son isn't like his brother, so therefore he won't fall to darkness like his brother did.

Now, granted, my view might be slightly colored by the very impressively put together fan video for this song, where Mega Man puts on the helmet and the image of him and Protoman seem to blend together in Light's vision.


Something that fascinated me since the first time I've heard this song is the agitated guitar that plays every time Light says "You need to know". I'm 99% sure that these short guitar segments represent how close Light is to break from decades of suffering and frustration, and maybe, how close he is from lashing out on Mega Man for it.
Decades of mistakes, false hopes and multiple failed attempts to stop Wily combined with him telling the story of how he sent his own son to die, Light couldn't contain himself anymore. And he screams at Mega Man that Proto Man's fight is not his, that he cannot win, and that he is all Light has left. All that accompanied by the same desperate, agitated guitar.


I pictured Light as building Protoman from pride and desperation, making him appear similar to Dr. Light. This is what allowed him to be killed, corrupted and re-killed by Megaman. Afterwards, he built Megaman out of regret and love, making him appear more like Joe. Due to this, Dr. Light saw that Megaman could not be corrupted by Wily, but he also knew that Joe, the basis for Megaman, was killed trying to fight Wily, and that's part of why Dr. Light sings this. He believes Megaman can't win.


Man, the story they painted with their music is so unkind to Dr. Light. The dude just suffers and suffers. It's a definite sob-story and one that I'm quite proud to have cried over.

Good stuff, Protomen. Good stuff.


There was another, who came before you
He was a hero, and your brother, and my son
He fought the darkness, and the darkness won.

Lump in my throat, everytime.


There was another who came before you
He was a hero, your brother, and my son
He fought the darkness, the darkness won



"You are all i have left" gets me


Having your creation used against you, wife dies, blamed for the murder, exiled from city, meet cool guy named Joe, Dies, Creates Protoman, Dies(ish), Creates Megaman, retaliates against you and goes on to wipe out the human race. Yeah, I think Light needs a hug.


Light was just as guilty as the other humans. Instead of himself fighting Wily, he just created a man to do it for him. There really are no heroes left in man.


Actually, in this version, Light did NOT make the robot masters. He made the first sniper, but none of the other robots he and Wily made had weapons of any sort. Wily likely built them afterwards, during the large portion of time Light was exiled.


_Why would tell this to your robot son as a bedtime story?_


I wonder how hard it was to keep the secret of Protoman as Mega Man was leaving. I don't remember exactly, but I'm sure that Light knows Proto left to work for Wily after the people betrayed him, but here, he doesn't mention it, despite feeling responsible for keeping Mega away from trouble. I wonder if, seeing his son leaving, he has some hope left and decides to let him leave with the knowledge that Protoman died a hero rather than break his spirit anymore.


I remember I saw something on Tropes that sums up that Light has really went through hell in this series. I almost want to give the poor guy a hug or something.


It took him twelve years to make Protoman. Megaman took a little less, but that would probably take longer than Light's lifespan.
