How to Auto Generate Number Sequence in Excel

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In this video, I'll guide you through multiple methods to auto-generate Number Sequences in Excel. You'll learn about, using Excel's basic addition, AutoFill, Fill Handle, ROW, SEQUENCE, IF, relative reference Named Range, and COUNTA functions. Auto-generated number sequences can save time by avoiding manual data entry. With practical examples and step-by-step instructions, you can effortlessly auto-generated number sequences in your Excel spreadsheets.

👨‍🏫 Instructor: Zehad Rian Jim
🎥 Editor: Prantik Chowdhury

▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 - Intro
0:52 - Applying the basic addition method
1:22 - Using the AutoFill method
1:30 - Using Fill Handle
1:54 - Applying Fill Series
2:40 - Using ROW Function
3:22 - Applying COUNTA Function
4:06 - Utilizing OFFSET Function
5:10 - Using SEQUENCE Function
6:25 - Using a combination of SEQUENCE & COUNTA Function
7:35 - Using IF Function
8:28 - Creating Number Sequence ignoring Blank Cells
10:17 - Using relative reference Named Range
11:33 - Auto generate Number Sequence with Text in Excel

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Рекомендации по теме

Is there a way to get it to count downwards but apply ten of the same numbers every time it counts? Thanks


Is there a formula to create n number cells contain a date based a cell containing the number of dates to create, cell containing the start date, and cell contain months? For example, A1 = 5, B1 = 2/12/2024, and C1 = 3. Formula will be in A2 to create 5 dates where A2 = 5/12/2024, A3 = 8/12/2024, .... A6 = 5/12/2025. Thanks!


how to make sequence when im doing filtering?


Sir can you tell me any trick or formula for % wise ranking but class wise. I want to ranking the students according to class. thank you.


can you give me any formula or trick to start new serial number with every new class..
