2 Disturbing Mysteries That Remain Unsolved

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These are two different cases that still remain unsolved; two cases separated in time by many decades.

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Music: @Myuu ​
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*Hey guys slight error. I accidentally said the Kenneka Jenkins case happened in 2007, it actually happened in 2017*


Watching Kenneka is so disturbing and upsetting. HOW did her friends let her walk away like that? It's so sad.


The heartbreaking thing about Kenneka's story is, if they had just allowed her Mom to view the video footage....or even gotten someone on staff at the hotel to help them look for the child, she probably would have been found LONG before she got trapped in that freezer. Instead, police and hotel staff just ASSUMED she was crashed out somewhere, drunk, and refused to help locate her and as a result, she died alone in the freezer. If only one of her 3 friends had stayed with her while the others went to retrieve her belongings.


The way the police in the Martin Family case went out of their way to disregard professional advice for search efforts and deliberately hid and denied the presence of evidence that suggested something more than a simple accident just... absolutely reeks of a coverup attempt by the city police in that area.


Just seeing Kenneka stumbling around the deserted hallways alone with no one to help her just gives me chills. The background music does a great job on making this even more unsettling. It's situations like this where I wished a friend stayed with her. If I was there I would’ve helped her and made sure she was alright. Definitely one of the most disturbing last sightings via security camera I’ve ever seen.
R.I.P to the Martin Family, and Kenneka Jenkins


Honestly, the most frustrating part about Kenneka's case is that it's very obvious what happened: she was wandering around drunk, got into a freezer that ended up locking behind her, and froze to death because no one did their jobs properly and checked the camera footage. But rather than hold the hotel and 911 dispatcher accountable for not checking the tapes and for assuming she was just passed out somewhere, people would rather make up salacious conspiracy theories that only cause the family more pain and don't do anything to get Kenneka justice.


both stories show one of the worst things a person can do in these situations: nothing.
the family couldve been found but there were multiple people who just didnt seem to care enough
that girls friends couldve stayed with her, or the hotel couldve checked tapes sooner..
its really disappointing how much happens and gets left in the dark bc too many people didnt care. its almost more disturbing than the actual crimes sometimes


Kennekas is really heartbreaking because her friends are partly to blame. Why would you leave her alone knowing she had something to drink. Never ever do that. Always stay in groups. Thoughts go out to her family ❤


There’s something so creepy about watching a very drunk person just walk around a hotel by themselves in empty halls…


I'm so glad Kenneka's case is still being talked about. It's so sad and there's so many ways her death could've been prevented.


Is it just me, or is it that when CCTV is involved, the disappearance is so much creepier.


can never go wrong with Mr.Nightmare while at work


Thank you Mr. Nightmare for your uploads! These unsolved mysteries are always so eerie.


Thank you for reporting on Kenneka’s disappearance. Before you even finished the story I remember it had something to do with a freezer.

I can’t believe her friends let her walk back alone and inebriated. Whether you’re younger or older when you are in a group setting and out and about anywhere. Keep an eye on your friends and stay in PAIRS.


These are 2 of the most infuriating cases I’ve heard. Part of the reason for these cases being unsolved is purely because of people not doing their jobs properly for whatever reason!!!


Kenneka's case still haunts our city! Thank you for shedding light on this case 💞


The kenecka jenkins story is a poster story for not letting your friends leave. Most of us have been both sides. This poor girl died alone. I was so drunk one time I had an Uber drop me off at my mothers house & I slept on her bedroom floor. I’m saying our brains do CRAZY things when we are under the influence of anything 💔


If you open a freezer door like those, go inside and shut the door it can cause a very temporary vapor lock. A very drunk young lady might not have the strength to open the door immediately and in that mental state she might have thought it was more permanently locked. She could have passed out or just fell asleep in the cold


As a former drunk, I've been as drunk as Kenneka before, and I can tell you it would be easy to walk into a freezer like that. You would open it up thinking it was an ordinary door and walk right in expecting another hallway. Also would not be shocked if she got slipped something. I didn't hear anything about a toxicology report.


Kanneka’s story is just heartbreaking. Whenever I see a case that has security footage, I always get so sad, knowing this may be the last time they’re seen alive
