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Someone finally said it. Jusko, Cringe to the highest level 'yang mga YouTuber na 'yan. Hahaha!


Our sense of nationalism is bordering on ethnocentricism. Very toxic ngl


As a Filipino, I hate seeing and hearing the Proud to be Pinoy mantra when they did not even do anything worthy but are just riding the coattails of those successful pinoys or half-pinoys.


This is so true that's why I stopped watching videos about a foreigner's experiences in the Philippines, because I've noticed (and felt) that they're just using the Filipinos for the views. I, too hate some of the Filipinos who would just say "Proud to be Pilipino" whenever Philippines or Filipinos got mentioned or noticed by mostly foreigners. There is nothing wrong to be proud of your country and being a Filipino what I don't like is you feel like being proud of who you are when someone else praised you.
We should always be proud of who we are just like the Japanese. They are proud of themselves and their country without mentioning "Proud to be Japanese" they show it in action not in words.


I'm a filipino and I had observed this pinoybaiting alot especially with foreign vloggers just like what is mentioned here. I never really voiced it or made any comment about it because I'm not ready to deal with negative reactions. Filipinos are very active in social media and there is that sense of pride especially when the content is focused on praising anything about the Philippines. But some creators intentionally do that just to increase subscribers and views. And many filipinos may have not noticed that it just really is a bait.


The problem is some Filipinos would rather embrace "ignorance is bliss" when it comes to all the issues the country and its people are facing. They'd rather think ahh we have the best this and that and than face reality. They'd even mock and bash critical-thinking Filipinos who point out such issues. Some would go as far as telling critical thinkers to leave the country if they have so much problems here, like seriously? such problematic people 😵😵😵


Pinoybaiting Videos: "filipinos the best people of the world?!"

Filipinos: *X to doubt*


FINALLY! Someone took the cat out of the box. I can name vloggers who are Pinoy-baiting. A vlogger from the US with less than 1K subscriber moved to the Philippines to "search for himself", started making videos of his daily life in the Philippines. After six months, with over 50k followers, decided yo "chase his dreams" back in the US of A. There is this couple as well who stayed in the Philippines for three months just to gather followers and is now back home reacting to basically any videos with the name Philippines on it. The list is long and we can talk about it until the cows come home. This is just too bad. Thank you for pointing this out.


This is actually one of Filipino toxic nature "The international validation" I mean its good that we want to be recognized but after that let's ask THE question... "what now after we get recognized internationally?" Yes its good for tourism and all but aside from that what now?


Brother, 🙏 as someone who is guilty of this myself, thank you for calling this out. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. It needs to be talked about!


Kulas (Becoming Filipino) and others like him are the ones who deserve pinoy baiting. Because they live here and is experiencing Filipino culture first hand. I mean I've been following Kulas for almost 4 years now and I can say that he's sincere on what he is doing, especially on how he promotes Mindanao and other places in Visayas. That's already a plus 1 for me.


This is a reality. We, Filipinos, are really craving for that “Global Validation”. I prefer content creators who tells the truth about the Philippines. Our country is not perfect so there’s nothing wrong in creating a content that is real. ❤️🇵🇭


Why bait Filipinos?
- They spent the most time ni social media compared to other Asian countries.
- They understand the English language used by most channels.
- They wanted to be globally validated or to be placed on the global map.
- They continuously seek positivity about their country, because the media always portray the negative side.
- Basically, they're hospitable and what visitors think about their country always interest them.
- They are a proud nationality.


and they really have to add "FOREIGNER" try this and that in the Philippines. Like they really need to distinguish themselves as foreigners, like they not from here.


I always knew i'm not the only one who notice this so called "pinoy baiting". Everything that you said is tama .


I didn’t really expect this. That someone would actually speak out about this issue right now on Youtube. I was just thinking about it for not so long ago.. and now I’m glad that this video came up. Personally as a Filipino I hate those kind of YouTubers. But as for me I know when a channel is being obviously just doing Pinoy Clickbaiting. and when I happen to see that.. I will just avoid it. I won’t subscribe to it or anything.
But for most Filipinos.. I don’t know. They are being so overwhelmed I guess..


Max & Sujy Reacts
Happy Reaction
Let's be honest, these 4 YT Channels are just using Filipinos to get views.


The best so far is Dustin Backpacks! He is living with Filipinos and rebuilding and teaching cleanliness in the area where he is living in.


FINALLYYY, 👏ITS👏BEING👏ADDRESSED. I notice there was an absurd amount of youtube foreigners reacting to a lot of Philippine related videos. And it crossed my mind that they're baiting Filipinos xD which is clever but insane HAHAHA Thank you for making this video! I'm tired of seeing all those videos about Philippines that's just basically the same thing, just a different person.


I flew right back to this video after seeing Juicy Vlogs post titled ‘my first haircut in Manila during the pandemic’ like you literally didn’t have to put Manila in there lmao. It’s not like it would be different if you did it somewhere else (I didn’t watch everything but she mentioned the covid safety protocols on the store which I’m sure other countries are doing). Then I saw their other video about an INSANE GROCERY STORE IN MANILA!!! It was just a Korean grocery stall and was basically a big 7 eleven for Korean foods and snacks. It wasn’t even Filipino-related, they have those here in Singapore too and other countries I’m sure. This pinoy baiting thing, while admittedly strategic, just feels so immoral.
