Pinoy Baiting | Youtubers ‘Using’ Filipinos for Money?

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Hey guys, this is a topic that I always wanted to bring up on my channel. Please watch the video carefully and let me know your thoughts through the comments section. :D

P.S: This my my first video with my new camera and new lens! Hehe.

Music provided by 브금대통령


- I was born in the year of 2001, 10th, of February.
- I’m 170cm tall.
Editing Program?
- I use Adobe Premiere Pro.
- I use Canon EOS M50 (22mm & 15-45mm lens), GoPro Hero 3 & iPhone XR.
- I’m 100% Korean, but I’ve lived in the Philippines for about 9 years.
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I just realized, after I said 'I'm going to talk about Pinoy Baiting' I directly said 'This could be the reason why I LOL. I accidentally cut down the part where I said 'I have a large audience from the Philippines' before that. HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm sorry for the misunderstanding guys, but I'm pretty sure you know what I mean. <3


She lived in the Philippines for years and definitely gotten used to the culture so basically I think she is not using "filipino baiting"


Omg I feel the same Jessica.. When my previous relationship with a pinoy ended, I got so many hate comments saying "sylvia used the Phil to get views and money" and I was super shocked from that reaction cuz it was not my fault...☠ I feel you 100%, and we deserve better respect from those who call it "pinoy baiting" Nice video indeed. Thank u for your efforts all the time💗 You bought an amazing camera too!!! Always 화이팅😚😚


She lived in the Philippines for 9 years, her English accent is the so-called Filipino accent. Only ignorant people will comment that she's a Filipino baiter. I supported this channel because I think she is smart, beautiful and talented and have the potential to be a big youtube celebrity. And I feel like she could protect the Philippines in some wayssss or some kind of a positive voice. For example her content about the Filipino Accent and the viral #cancelkorea. Her viewpoints on these issues are brilliant. Keep making Filipino related contents Jessica 💖 💛 💙 💜 💚


"It's the viewers' CHOICE to watch whatever they want."
-Jessica 2020
We all agree with this.


Honestly speaking, we need more articulate people like her. She's one in a million 🤗


Pinoy baiting is real.. But.. I can't blame youtubers for doing so, it's like a business and target customers I don't see anything wrong. Instead I blame Filipinos for this, for being "overly flattered" whenever people from other countries saying "positive" things about the Philippines or Filipinos


You know why Filipinos loved the likes of Sandara Park, Sylvia Kim and you? You showcase Filipino culture at its best without any reservations. Besides, we see you guys as “Honorary Filipinos” and the commonality (similiarities) of Korean culture to us. Keep up the good work and Hello from Canada.☺️👍


The one doing pinoy baitings are the ones that never been in Philippines and starts doing Filipino singers reactions like Youtuber Music Game News. There are lots of them and you're not one of them. I like your videos. You're Youtube channel is different because you are really interested and aware of the Philippine culture.


I love Jessica's personality. She is young but so mature for her age and a smart young woman with full of wisdom. Keep up the great job, Jessica!


Wow I'm so proud of you for uploading and talking about this issue because I've encountered many people that thinks that you're only using filipino viewers for likes and views so you can make money out of them. But don't worry Jessica there are still filipino fans who loves and supports you and don't think that you're doing filipino bait. We luv u:>


As a Filipino. I'm guilty that whenever I see something about my country while searching for something to watch on Youtube. I quickly click that video and watch the whole thing. I just want to see how awkward can they be on camera while reacting to videos about my country. But Jessica's videos are more on respect and appreciation for the things she learned while living in my country and some of her videos are very informative and entertaining.


I dont think Jessica Lee is "pinoy baiting" Tumira sya dito eh and she genuinely fell in love with our culture.. Support pa rin ako sa channel na to


Haters should stop inventing things to complain about. If you don’t like someone’s content, go away and be quiet!


"I don't want to earn something without putting any effort."

I am so proud of you Jessica for explaining this so well to everyone. And no, I don't see your content as Pinoy Baiting.
Whoever says that likely has never really even watched your videos, or worst, they are idiots.
Nuff said.


i wonder why some peenoice are accusing Jessica of "Pinoy-baiting' when she already mentioned long ago that she lived here for a decade.


Foreign react channels do clickbait titles like: “1/4th Filipino reacts to SB19!” Lmao. Us Filipinos support you, Jessica!


this 20 people who dislike this, doesn't know that jessica lee is pinoy in heart, wuv yuu moon doge is here for you woof


can we appreciate her editing skills?? it’s so comforting in the eyes and her choice of bgs are also nice. i love how you’re genuine.


Wow, shes so honest, those 213 dislikes are jerk people.. Like for support
