Is Belgium about to break apart? #shorts #geopolitics #maps #history

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The potential division of Belgium is not a new concept, as the country is deeply divided both linguistically and economically. The northern part of the country, Flanders, is predominantly Dutch-speaking, while the southern part, Wallonia, is predominantly French-speaking. There are also two German-speaking communities in the eastern part of the country. This linguistic divide is further complicated by an economic divide, as Flanders is much wealthier than Wallonia, with a GDP per capita nearly twice as high. This is due to Flanders' strong technology industry, while Wallonia's traditional coal and steel industry is in decline.

The Belgian government in Brussels is aware of the problem and has tried to take a neutral position, but with limited success. Many solutions have been proposed, including the division of Belgium into two new independent states: Northern Belgium and Southern Belgium. Alternatively, it was suggested that the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium become part of the Netherlands and the French-speaking part become part of France.
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Everyone is gangsta till the German-speaking part decides to annex itself and all of Belgium


Secret ending: Luxembourg annex Belgium


As a Belgian I laughed at this. If you for a moment think our circus politics will make something happen in such a grand scale, the pope will fly.


Belgium isn't going to break up. They can't agree to do anything, including that.


As a Belgian I can confirm we're unhappy with the current state but we hate all the alternatives even more


Trust me: Belgians are the nicest people in the world until you ask their opinion on the Dutch and French. Ain’t gonna happen mate


If I had a euro for every time I was told Belgium was about to break apart I could have paid off our national debt by now.


As a Belgian I can assure you our politics is all bark and no bite :)


Belgian here, we hate our neighbours more than we hate each other so we're okay fr


“Belgium will divide itself!”
Said people across centuries, despite it NOT dividing…


I am from belgium and I study political science here. I have a few issues with this video. This discussion in belgium is also 99% of the time about Flanders and Wallonia so I will focus on that:

1. In the past Wallonia had the stronger economy and that didn't lead to the breakup of belgium so why would it now.

2. I have no idea where you got those "solutions" from. The solutions in this video are not the ones being discussed. There is an ongoing discussion abt how much power the regions of belgium should hold with one party, Vlaams Belang, wanting flemish indepedence.

3. Brussels is a crucial part of this discussion. Both sides claim this as part of their region and it is economicaly one of the best regions in Belgium. Nobody wants to lose Brussels. I think that as long that is the case, Belgium won't split.


Don't underestimate the German speaking eastern part.


secret bad ending: they all go back to the spanish crown


As a Belgian I can confirm a problem exists but it is mostly at the political level and or educational level . There is a large unknown on both sides of the linguistic border most or many do not know much that’s happening in the other side of the linguistic border . Concerning the idea of an alliance with the Netherlands for the Dutch speaking part of Belgium we did not kick the Dutch out of Belgium in 1830 to go running back to them any time we are Belgian Dutch speakers that’s where any common point ends the same for Walloon speaking French . When it comes to being one country and one people under the same flag the Belgians have shown they can work together . During the heavy flooding a few years ago the Dutch speakers in Belgium came to the rescue of their French speaking brothers and sisters . We should aim for a fully devolved country and anyway of you think the problem of Jerusalem is impossible to solve wait until you start trying to solve the Brussels issue should Belgium ever be split in two countries .


Bro didn’t even answer his own question


When I was 16, at school in London in 1979, we studied Exactly these issues in depth about Belgium as described here today. I was 60 a month ago. Glad to see progress has been made. Well done Belgium 🇧🇪


So... Can we get the German speaking part?🙃


"Lets split the country in two!"
"Sounds great, what names shall these two new countries have...I mean these two new countries would line up with two historical reg-"
"North and South Belgium"
"You heard me"


Rest of the world needs to keep out of the problem, At the end of the day their still Belgium, they have a long history of unity even in the face of overwhelming aggression.


Interesting topic, although it would be weird to have no Belgium at all, while also having two Berlgium is also frekin weird.
