Using Water to Manifest ANYTHING with the Law of Attraction with Eric Ho

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In this video we will show you how to Manifest using water with the Law of Attraction featuring my friend Eric Ho. People have been asking me to collaborate with Eric for a while and the time has finally come!

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This video is about Using Water to Manifest ANYTHING You Want with Eric Ho

this video, we're going to show you exactly how to manifest what you want using water. I'm here with Eric Ho and we're going to get into the video right now. Welcome back to another video. My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. So today we're going to show you. I'm here with Eric Ho right now. Thank you for coming on Bro. And I'm, we unintentionally matched today. We'll just get that right out right now. Synchronicity secret is I had no idea we were going to be wearing this. Um, and yeah, we're. Today we're going to be talking about is a how to manifest what you want using water. If you haven't followed Eric already, you're going to see in the top of the description box below, you will see his channel there. He makes great content. You'll see over there very similar type style videos as me when it comes to the, uh, the content that I share.

So if you like my channel, you're going to like his channel as well. We'll both help you expand your consciousness is what we do. Okay. So, um, so yeah, so I thought he was, we were talking about this a little bit ago at lunch and I thought, Oh man, this would be perfect for you guys. So if you want, go ahead and share what you know about manifesting using water. Cool. First off, thank you for having me on this course. Another thing is, um, yeah, it's not something so like a woo crazy, you know, I think law of attraction, we all understand how it works. We attract what we are. Um, but the thing is a lot of people don't realize that we are, I think what 70, 80 percent right? And this is science, right? So the quality of water we drink determines the quality of us and determines the quality of our manifestation.

That's why a lot of the time by you just, let's say looking at a vision board up in the morning or doing some incantations, affirmations is not going to change everything. But one thing that does change everything is what's a why? Because we drinking water our water. So how do we change the vibrations of water? And then how do we become that? Of what we want to attract, because there's quite a few parts to this. Right? So the first part is to understand this. I'm usually the average person out there. I don't know. It's the same in us to drink tap water. People drink tap water. There's a load of chemicals in there to stop the pipes from thing. There's a lot of things going on then. And another, another type of water that people drink is bottled water from like a supermarket shelves, Arrowhead or something.

Yeah. Yeah. So when, when you get bottled water, how long has it been on the shelf or most people don't know. It's been there for like two years. In retail it's been about two years. Water always likes to be moving. When motors moving, it's alive. Right? And this is the work of Dr Emoto. If you've never checked out his work, you can check out his work. He dedicated his whole life to understanding is life in water. But the biggest problem is when we are drinking water from a bottle, a source from the shelf, it's been there for two years. It becomes dormant water, dead water, because that money that you, that us, so our energy is very, very different and so how do we wake up? Because if you look what's it always likes to be moving? Mine takes at Tufts in the muscle, so one of the components you can use as a ceramic bowls, what does the moto found is by using ceramic bowls, and we do this for around 20 seconds.

It awakens the Watson, it puts the life back into water, and when we do that, it means that we are drinking activated. What's that meaning alive? Water. We will have more energy from it. Okay? But aside from that, it's not just being alive. What if it's alive and it's aggressive? It's alive. It's angry and upset. It's sad, right? That changes our vibrational frequency graph a vibrational frequencies towards the low vibrational frequencies. So we need to shift that. So what's the high ones? And that's why you'll see that inside this bottle that you can make the same thing inside this possible. You see there's a bunch of row rose quartz rose...

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Was fun bro, let's do it again soon! Bring on a HUGE 2019! :D




I looove Eric’s smile! He’s such genuine positive energy. And I feel like whenever Aaron collabs with anyone (Leeor Alexander, Eric Ho) the chemistry is so great


Amazing .. I followed both of them on YouTube and now they are together ! This is a sign ..


You guys are awesome ! Love the humour and the message. Water is the main source of prana in the body and most easily influenced with our intention


Another great quote..Feel good now to manifest more! “There is no way to happiness – happiness is the way” – Thich Nhat Hanh


This is a perfect example of why praying and being thankful for your food/drink before a meal has a Real place in our lives. 🙏🏻Blessings to you both and Thank you!


We are blessed to have these two gents in the same video


You know what? I love this. You guys are awesome. I'm a chef and I opened my own restaurant 6 months ago. I'm chasing my passion like it's the last bus the day and you guys just connected a few dots for customers get so excited about eating my food and it literally makes them HAPPY and I've been told that the dining experience at my restaurant is satisfying and even fulfilling 😍 as much as this thrills me and gives me joy to my very core...I have found this really kind of curious, until now. It's because the state of mind I'm in while I'm prepping the food and also while cooking their meals is JOY and love and happiness and complete fulfillment because I LOVE feeding people and I also LOVE making people happy! This is so awesome and now it will bring me even more of all of this just knowing that I'm LITERALLY spreading my own joy, love, happiness and fulfillment directly to these awesome folks. This realization just thrills me to the very core of my being. Thank you so much for all that you guys do. You're both amazing and I really appreciate you both so much!! 🎶❤️💛💚💙💜🎶


I know my food tastes much better if my vibe is up while I'm cooking. Thanks for the video guys.


“You experience in life that which you are the vibration of, vibration is the combination of what you think, feel and do” Thank you for this


Thanks guys, first time i listen to both of you on the same video, i usually listen to your channels seperatetly, love the friendship you show and all your teaching are reaching me with love and emotions.


Yeah, a well-known female chef in Japan was saying that when she eats at restaurants, she can tell what kind of person who made the dish is just by eating it. She was also saying when she cooks when she feels so anxious or upset, the taste of the dishes she makes become blur...


You guys dressed alike, because great minds think alike!!! Lol!!!


My two most favourite youtubers ever 😍😍❤️❤️❤️


Wowwww yes my 2 favorite men! Great topic and great collaboration. Thank you Universe 💗


I'm blown away! ☯️☮️🙏👼
I use quartz crystals to energize my water! It really works. 😍


Now I understand the rationale behind people praying before taking in water or food, the rituals before harvest time of crops etc. and why many people are sick/get sick though eating the right kinds of food...


Hi Aaron and Eric. I watch both of your videos. I agree with both of you. I pray when I cook I send prayers to my kids when cooking And it really works . If your kid is picky eaters... say they will eat this food I am cooking or just think positive while cooking and your kids or your entire day will go positively.


I've got a glass jar in the fridge with Rose Quartz in it. I taped inspiring words to the outside of it. "Beautiful Energy, "Happiness, Love, My amazing, Beautiful Spirit" etc.

I started this a few months ago.
