Jelena Story // Why Does My Heart Beat For You // Ep. 1

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This is my first video :D I hope you guys enjoy.

*Bring* *Bring* The sound of the telephone ringing woke Justin up. He looked around for the phone and sleepily picked it up.
"Hello?" he mumbled. A voice talked back on the other side. Justin was suddenly awake.
"Okay, I'll be right there! Hold on!" He replied and hung the phone. He quickly put on a t-shirt and opened his door. His mum was in the kitchen.
"I'm going out mum. I'll be back later!" he cried.
Pattie looked up from the chopping board.
"Where are you going?" She quickly shouted.
Justin quickly gave her a kiss on the cheek and said "Selena needs me. Sorry." And with that he flew out of the door and into his car.

Selena POV:
I was sat in the hospital waiting room, crying my eyes out. I was so close to losing one of my closest friends. Where was Justin? He was supposed to be here by now? I needed my best friend to lean on.
"Selena?" A voice said. I looked up to see Justin. He sat down next to me and hugged me tight while a tears burst out of my eyes.
"Its all gonna be okay" he whispered and kissed my forehead. Somehow, that made this less worse than it really was.
The doctor came out of the room and called Selena's name. Selena looked up and the doctor walked towards us. What came out of his mouth next was about to change Selena's life forever.
~ "I'm sorry. We tried everything we could but your mum just couldn't make it..." ~

Did you guys like it? 1+ like for the next episode? Sorry if this one was short, I wanted a cliffy ;)
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