Just Us Two {Jelena Story; Ep.1}

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*So, this is a new Jelena story! This first episode is probably extremely boring, but I hope you still like it! haha! I would love to hear some feedback for it, though!*
@selenagomez whore that's what you are you're only dating Justin for fame.

@selenagomez you took my man I hate you #famewhore

@justinbieber why are you dating @selenagomez? She only wants you for the money.

Tears boiled over from my eyes as I read my mentions on twitter. I had promised Justin and my mom that I would not do it again, as last time I had a mental break down. Yet, I couldn't help myself, it was just so tempting.

I heard a knock on my front door, then a minute later footsteps walking up the stairs. I threw my phone down, not caring where it landed. I quickly dried my tears, then lied down on my bed.

{Justin's P.O.V}

"Sel, come on! We have to get to-" I walked into Selena's room and stopped half way through my sentence. I noticed there were tears in her eyes and I saw her phone lying on her bed.

"You were doing it again, weren't you?"

"D-doing what? I have no clue what you're talking about."

I walked over to her bed and picked up her phone and unlocked it. I sighed when I saw she had been on twitter.

"Selena, you swore you wouldn't get back on and you would just let Ashley (Cook) handle it."

"I-I'm sorry." Her voice was shaky.

Anger was boiling up inside of me, but I didn't let it show. Tears began to pour down her face and I walked over to her. After pulling her into my arms, I started to stroke her hair.

"Don't cry, those words don't mean anything."

{Selena's P.O.V}

Justin stroked my hair and held me in his arms as I cried. He tried to comfort me, but it wasn't working.

"Justin, every bit of those words hurt me. I don't think you realize that."

I cried harder into his chest.

"I do realize that. You show me by crying every time you read them. You gotta stop. It only makes matters worse."

I sighed, knowing he was probably right.

"I-I just c-can't help it, it's so tempting to read through them."

"I realize it's tempting, but just..please, don't go through them again. I can't stand seeing you like this."

Justin moved his hands from my hair, to my back and he started rubbing it.

"I'm sorry, I won't." I said, with all the meaning I could.


He kissed my forehead and I smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too, baby. Now, let's go! I don't want to be late for my meet and greet."

Justin stood up, I followed. He intertwined our fingers as we walked down the stairs.
Boring, right? lol Comments?(:
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