Beyond Cholesterol - Freeing Yourself from the Tyranny of your Cholesterol Numbers (updated)

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Has a recent blood test shown elevated levels of total cholesterol or LDL-cholesterol - despite your eating a plant-based diet? Should you start on statin medications? Should you worry about your cholesterol numbers, at all?

All these important questions are explored in this clear presentation on cholesterol - a complex subject that perplexes doctors and patients alike. After you view “Beyond Cholesterol” you’ll be able to free yourself from the “tyranny of the numbers” that unnecessarily frighten so many.

Running Time: 89 minutes

Dr. Michael Klaper is a gifted clinician, internationally-recognized teacher, and sought-after speaker on diet and health. He resolutely believes that proper nutrition — through a whole-food, plant-based diet — and a balanced lifestyle are essential for health.



This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Klaper nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement, exercise or other lifestyle program.
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This video should play in all classrooms around the world.


Dr. Klaper, I have the upmost respect for you and your work. Thank you for an informative video. I am one of those who have not been able to get my cholesterol below 200. My LDL stays high. A couple of years ago, I had my carotid arteries checked, and they were normal, so I convinced my doctor to give me a chance to clean up my diet and do another blood test in a few months. He told me, I can eat fruits and vegetables until I'm blue in the face, it wouldn't help. He said, I needed to take statins. Anyway, I did manage to get my cholesterol down enough points to stay off statins. But lately, although, I am 61 years old, an avid runner and I have eaten a vegan diet for awhile, my cholesterol remains high. I was really puzzled. So, one day, I sat down and wrote down everything I ate. Turns out, my diet wasn't as great as I thought. I had a lot of added oils in my meals, processed junk, and added sugars. I already knew to stop drinking smoothies, because they raised my triglycerides, so I only eat whole fruits and my last blood work showed normal triglycerides. Now, I am eating a lot of vegetables, whole fruits, oats, potatoes and sweet potatoes with greens and beans. Mainly, I added beans, because I am also anemic. Anyway, I retest in a couple of months and I hope my blood work is much better. But, as long as I continue to eat as clean as am now, whole plant-based with no oils, nuts, seeds, added salt or sugars, and I continue my daily exercise, I should be fine like you mentioned in this video. Peace.


This is the most thorough, clearly presented talk about cholesterol and arterial health that I have heard. Just great. Thank you, Dr Klaper, for taking the time to write and deliver such an intelligent and informed presentation.


By going on Esselstyn's diet, I was able to get a TC of 142 and LDL of 72. I have blockage in my iliac, and doc thought for sure I'd need a stent. However my absent right femoral pulse is now palpable though weaker than the left, and the circulation to my right foot is greatly improved. And it keeps geeing better. My carotid arteries look good now, although a sonogram several years ago showed a 30-50% narrowing. No meds. Just diet.


I appreciate this video more than you can know. I've been eating a whole foods, plant-based, no oil, low salt and sugar diet for over a decade. I also walk, laugh and smile a lot, control stress, and all the other suggested ideas for a healthy person. Yet my cholesterol and triglycerides results remain elevated. I refused statins. My new MD is newly practicing plant-based, nutritional prevention and quite confused over my results. Since I follow the prescription, I'll just keep doing so and ask my doc to stop measuring the cholesterol. I'll share this video with him and ask if we ought to measure the inflammatory markers instead. Thank you again for this video.


Maximizing the integrity of my endothelial self talk prior to eating a on my bucket list!


Thank you Dr Klaper. It's astonishing to me that my doctor recommended a statin based only on one biomarker- a slightly raised cholesterol. No questions about diet or lifestyle. I refused, and will continue to refine and improve my plant-based diet on a daily basis - and continue with vigorous exercise. Those Numbers Needed to Treat with statins should be better known by the general public.
Oh, I'm growing Asian greens in a raised garden bed in my garden, so I have a plentiful supply of leafy green vegetable on hand. So easy!


Thank you for this. I am one of those 30 year vegans who cannot get my cholesterol down to the 150 number I have heard makes one heart attack proof. I have been eating whole food, no oil for the last 8 years and have been frustrated and puzzled because my cholesterol is usually around 170. I didn’t know what more I could do. I keep hearing about others whose cholesterol would go from very high numbers to numbers around 150 or lower.

This was very helpful and informative!!!


Amazing presentation! I was on a non-statin drug for years because my cholesterol kept hovering between 210 and 230. The women in my family tend to get higher cholesterol after menopause--even those who are not overweight. When I transitioned to a plant-based diet, my cholesterol dropped to 198 and has stayed there. My internist is happy with that--the non-statin I was taking started to affect my muscles the way statins would, so I need to avoid these medications. I still have more weight to lose, so I am hopeful my cholesterol will drop more. Thank you!


Before i start on Dr Esselstyn's diet my LDL at the highest was 396 even though I was on the statin and cholesterol absorption medication. After my bypass surgery, I follow strictly Dr Esselstyn's diet but I still continue with my statin and cholesterol absorption medication. My LDL is now 56. Diet definitely is more effective and powerful than medications. I didn't stopped the medications as I am on the very high risk group and also Dr Esselstyn is not totally against medications.


Thanks Dr. Klaper! Plant-based for many years. Recent lipid test total 167, doc wanted me to go on statins. I said I'd like to try the inflammation tests Dr. K recommends -- both came out very low; plus the follow-up lipid test was down to 140, just a few weeks later, which shows some of our natural variability. So helpful to have the knowledge to address my doc's concerns -- and also glad he was willing to order the tests (Ultrasensitive C-reactive protein: 0.4 mg/L and Lipoprotein (a) <5 mg/dL)


I found this video by Dr. Klaper to be extremely clear, comprehensive and scientifically right on point. Well done.


Well done. Nice to have the input from a clinician rather than a bench scientist or sales rep.


THANK YOU Dr. Klaper!!! I have been really worried for the last five months about a blood test which showed a higher LDL cholesterol number than 3 months before but stable HDL. I started eating whole food plant=based diet about five months before the latest blood test and stopped taking statins. The doc insisted I go back on them and maxed the dose. I bargained with her to give me 3 months before I go back on statins as I could not think of how I could be eating any better. I am no SOS and no nuts and keep seeds (flaxseed and hemp) to a healthy minimum. I feel great eating this way and not tired like I used to feel. My diabetes is now under control.

I was still puzzled, upset by the numbers (and quite worried) UNTIL I watched this video. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


I just had blood work and my LDL level was pretty good, but LDL particle size was a little high. My Triglycerides were slightly high. But my oxidized cholesterol was 48 and C-reactive protein was .22, myeloperoxidase 189. So I calmed down, because my diet is what Dr Klaper and Esselstyn recommend. I’ve followed their programs for years and think they’re great. Good luck to everyone trying to live a healthy plant-based lifestyle. 👍🍎


This is crystal clear. I don't want to get sick and die young so I'll make sure to do the plant-based diet and have my carotid artery checked! Thank you Dr. Klaper. We appreciate your effort and time in creating this video for us. ❤️


excellent video, makes good points. cholesterol is an important marker but we should treat the patient, not the blood values


Thank you Dr. Klaper! I plan to share this video with family. I watch as many WFPBNO videos and podcasts to keep myself motivated and on track.


THANK YOU! I have been WFPB for a number of years now after refusing statins from my doctor. I never really knew the science, but trusted the results of others. Thanks for the science clearly explained and understandable! 😊


Thank you Dr Klaper for sorting through the confusion on this subject and for clarifying the actual process, triggers, and solutions for atherosclerosis.
