More War Thunder News & Economy Roadmap Expectations

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With only Two days till Gaijin announce their roadmap dedicated to economy and other changes, The War Thunder Player Union Discord gets raided and internally destroyed. I layout my expectations for why the boycott failed and what the Gaijin roadmap will look like.

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I really love the idea of a "reserve tank" in every rank, I hope they add that in the roadmap, maybe its a sort of talisman thing that you could put on one tank in the rank so you can essentially play your favorite vehicle for no repair cost at all!


Hey Ash, you should look at SQUAD's recent devblog, basically the devs turned around out of the blue and went "We've given into hype, we apologize for making the game bad, this is what we gonna do to fix" and they are rebooting their whole core mechanics. the game is similar to wt, but the devs of Squad have showed how a publisher or dev team should treat their player base and how they should do pr etc etc. Might make for an interesting comparison.


as i stated years before this: the top brass needs to be gone! a new management needs to be instated that doesnt milk the players!


RIP union. Big shame.

(Edit: Union as an idea, not that it actually did anything. Would have been nice to actually have a voice.)


9 year veteran; I'm not expecting much.


The problem with organising a boycott like that is time zones, as one group of players on one side of the world logs out to begin their boycott another group on the other side of the world is logging back in after their boycott ended


THANK YOU for addressing that you have to PAY to spawn into sim!!!

It NEEDS to be changed to paying to REPAIR your plane to spawn in again! For example, I play with auto-repair off, it should be that when I join a sim match, I should be allowed to spawn in for free. Once I die, it should give you an option to leave, or repair your plane and then spawn in again.


2:15 “new players” and whales are all Gajin wants


“Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment”


The problem with war thunder is that most of the changes the playerbase want are not in gaijin's financial interest. If you are completely free to play, no premium time, no purchased vehicles no nothing, gaijin doesn't want you playing the game at all. Ideally you'd buy a load of top tier premiums and then never play the game. Top tier matches being premiums vs premiums because everyone buys there way to top tier is exactly what gaijin wants, and free to play players giving up because the grind is too hard is also exactly what gaijin wants.

Also the idea that the changes will mean more people will play the game, while technically true, misses the point for gaijin. The changes mean more people will look at the game, and then play the game F2P. Gaijin doesn't want this, they want more people to look at the game and then buy the top tier modern vehicles.

Another note, gaijin has already made most of the money from war thunder that it will ever make. They could close down war thunder tomorrow and focus all their effort on their other games and it would still have been an amazing investment netting them millions of dollars.


Been playing since 2015 and through experience, I don't expect Gaijin to make any meaningful changes.

At this point, I'm just waiting for the Steam review moratorium to end so that the review-bombing can resume.


I am sure that 2-5% of the the player base did some kinda of a boycutt. 90% hadnt heart about it.


The most effective thing for the boycott to announce was to keep playing (to show we live the game) but don't pay to let gajin know we are upset with their model. This would have created less fracture among hardliners and casual players who wanted change. The people who wanted to stop playing could. Gajin doesn't care about player count.. they care about payer count.


If the roadmap turns out to be a joke I will probably leave the game, which is a shame I have been playing for 10 years now and have sunk a lot of time (and money) into it. But if this how the devs will treat there players then I will leave. Might go and kick start my old halo and JRPG addictions over suffering.


I'm still not playing, myself. Waiting for the roadmap. Not a penny until sufficient positive changes are implemented.


Will there be compensation for players? Like give 1/8 of the "free rp" that we accumulate for the past years and same with silver lions. Top tier shouldn't have negative sl modifier because what is the point of grinding to the top if you're not even gonna earn more silver lions.


The union didn't have a chance. War Thunder players are notorious for undermining one another; hell the game actively encourages you to do so as the idea of sportsmanship is far removed from pay to win mechanics. Gaijin has it's playerbase in the palm of their collective hand and they know that we aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Market competition is the only thing that can change War Thunder for the better.


One effective method of boycotting is to play the game as a true "Free-To-Play". Spend nothing but play. Maybe even more than normal. This forces Gaijin to spend money for Server time with the revenue stream reduced. Got to hit them in the pocketbook for it to be noticed.


The realistic outcome is Gaijin learned that they boiled the pot too fast and some frogs started jumping out. They will never stop boiling the frogs in the first place.


As I like to say, "never give a game company money, especially if you don't have to. As soon as you do that, they win."
