What does remission of sins actually mean?

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Still feeling guilty for that sin you confessed and repented? I've got amazingly good news for you!
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The key man Peter was telling Cornelius that the baptism in water in the Name of Jesus Christ is how we get remission of sins. Believing in our Lord Jesus Christ looks like something. Peter wasn’t contradicting himself when he said in Acts 2:38 to Repent and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ also wasn’t contradicting Himself when He said in John 3:5 to be born again in water and the Spirit to inherit the kingdom of Heaven but then said in John 3:16 that whosoever believes in Him shall be saved. He was telling us what believing looks like, just like Peter.


Its written " forgiveness" of sins in one version and remission of sins in another because the translators didn't know the difference.


Remission of sins occurs as we are water baptized in his name by the Holy Spirit. Because of the shed blood of Christ the Holy Spirit circumcises our conscience, removing the guilt from past sins, and restoring it to our original childlike innocence from wilful sin.
This is the "washing of regeneration" in Titus 3:5.
Regeneration defined means to return something to its' original state. The original state of our conscience is innocence from sin.
This is why Jesus told the people " Unless you become as little children you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven."


Why does that say remission of sin however in another translations it says “forgiveness” why is this ?


how dose that work for the type of sin, for something i should have did but i did not? i confessed a sin to God that i think is called an omisson, I let someone down that i love that has effected her life in a really bad way. and now im stuck. i dont know how to fix it!
