HOW to DEAL with the DUTCH?

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Are Dutch people spontaneous? direct? stingy?
Do foreigners experience culture shock when they move to the Netherlands?
How about the ultimate goal of being 'as normal as possible? individualism? hierarchy?

The video "How to deal with the Dutch" is the most watched video on this channel.

Why does it attract so many viewers (including Dutch people)? Are the observations of our language students correct?

In this video, we asked our new students to react to that viral video. And we asked a few people who participated in the earlier video. Has their views on the Dutch changed in the past two years?

These are students of the Dutch Summer School - 2019 in Drenthe.

More Dutch language videos with Dutch language students in the following playlist:

More Dutch culture videos with Dutch language students in the following playlist:

Video made by:
Bart de Pau
(online Dutch teacher and founder of the Dutch Summer School and Dutch Winter School)

Editing: Nicolas Balbontin, Kim van den Corput, Bart de Pau
Video was recorded at the BLC Dutch Summer School - 2019.

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To me, the nicest thing about this group of people is that they somehow do not judge. They observe. From their perspective. And that is all you can expect from anyone. But you also hosted this group of diplomats a while ago, and they were completely different; quite judgmental and so attached to 'their ways' ... Anyhoo, I like this group, and I welcome them all. May we all learn from one another...


I recently discovered these YouTube videos on Dutch culture. Although I haven't lived in the NL, I have visited several times, as I lived several years in Sweden, Germany and the UK. I read several of the comments, including those from Dutch citizens. Interestingly, some mentioned a difference in the directness approach of Dutch people from different parts of the country. Dutch people living in the southern part of the country were viewed as being less direct in their interactions with others. This cultural divide is also basically true for people in the U.S. As a native Texan/ Southerner, I find many of the U.S. northerners to be more direct/brash in their interactions with others. On the other hand, U.S. Southerners tend to generally be more polite/courteous in their interactions with others. Northerners tend to view Southerners as slow, slow talkers, more conservative and even backwards. For example, New Yorkers and Texans are very different culturally. >>> Anyway, I am enjoying these video clips on the Dutch culture. P.S. I like the NL and its people. As an American, the Netherlands has always been a good friend to the United States. Dank Nederland!!!


8:40 I worked in a supermarket and I did this consciously to foreign people because most foreign people at my store where like poor Dutch speakers, so I tended to speak English. Even if you react in Dutch (but look foreign or spoke an other language to the person you were with), I would ask “Nederlands?” And if you answered Ja just then I would speak Dutch. And when you just talk Dutch to bad Dutch speakers they tend to just nod in agreeance even when it is about something they have to pay.


I was just thinking to myself in the first half of the video if I would recognise any of them if I ever saw them in real life. And then I was like pfff, the chances of me running into them are very slim. Then she mentioned she lives in Assen, and I just moved there haha! How strange 😂


haha i am dutch but i still have a hard time with many customs


yes we have enough import here, if i want to hear plat amsterdams i have to record my self coz you dont hear it on the streets anymore


less direct in Noord-Brabant are you for real. Live in holland for ons week and in Breda for one day, your gone change your opion. 🤣


itzsch not a shock...
itzsch a tesla battery fibrating in youre smart machine...


Reminder Amsterdam is not representative for the rest of the Netherlands... 🤗


With the whole US election thing going on right now, I'm really curious about how foreigners perceive the Dutch political system compared to their own country. Like how in the US there are basically just democrats, republicans and one president, while in the Netherlands we have multiple parties with many different standpoints. Or how in the US, the president gets chosen based on electoral votes, while in the Netherlands parties earn seats based on votes and such.


I am Dutch but I watch these videos to learn our culture from a foreigners perspective.
That these videos are so incredibly funny in a recognizable way makes it all the more enjoyable to watch.


I'm Dutch living and working in the UK for 20 years now, during this 20 years I gave never felt home sick but watching this video made me realise how much I miss the Dutch way of expressing one self. Perhaps me working for a full blown narcissist has something to do with that as a narcissist could not deal with the Dutch ways of communicating. I thing I just made up my mind. Thanks Bart this video opened my eyes.


Hello a dutch person here. The reason that I watch the video`s is to know where forgein people struggle with when they come here, what they like what they dont like and see if I can work with these kinda things in real life when I come across someone that is not from the netherlands. Also I have a english girlfriend and I refer her to these kind of video`s, because the represent a bit of what she can aspect if she wants to move here. Thanks for the video`s!


Zijn de studenten al toe aan een Nederlandstalige video?


Why I watch these videos is: 1. They are funny; 2. I’m curious how foreigners look at us and our culture; 3. I want to know how to socialize with foreigners living here, I hate to offend people. If I need to be less direct, it will be a humongous task, but I will try to change. But only with foreigners. Cannot walk on my toes all the time. I still wanna be able to say to my superior that he can take a hike because I’m busy working for him, or something like that. But in the end I listen to him when it’s important, even if I don’t agree. I will tell him of course if I don’t agree.


I am Czech living in the Netherlands. I find Dutch people warm in their hearts, considerate, polite, honest, confident, concrete, direct and very friendly (I do not consider directness as unfriendliness or being impolite, just the opposite). It is on one hand a very closed society, but on the other hand very open to the world. They have a great sense for order and the whole country has a feel of cosiness. Lots of flowers and greenery everywhere even if there is not much nature like lakes, mountains, woods. Dutch are responsible with money and they like to invest in their houses looking well kept.They work hard and are very busy, that is why they plan ahead. They come in time, you can rely on them, they respect you and expect that you respect them. They give you space to think for yourself and do not interfere with your opinions. You get help everywhere as everything is perfectly organised. Prices of everything are high because the country and the market are small with not so much competition around. You can be relaxed around Dutch people, they are natural. Women are very strong, practical, good mothers, good carers...that's the way it should be...they have a natural beauty, not overdone with make up. Men are softer which doesn't mean unmanly, they respect the women. There are no or little hierarchies in Netherlands, people are equal to each other.


I like these videos so much because it's interesting to hear unedited and unfiltered observations with respect to our culture. Personally I hardly notice many of these things, as I don't know what it's like to live anywhere other than here. They have a really unique view of our society, and that to me is incredibly interesting.


Ik vind het erg leuk om tenminste échte meningen te horen in plaats van alle meningen op internet ofzo. Deze mensen weten waar ze over praten en in sommige gevallen herken ik de Nederlander ook echt heel goed. Nogmaals, leuk om échte meningen te horen.


Ik, als Nederlandse volg jullie kanaal omdat ik als vrijwilliger taalcoach ben voor vluchtelingen uit o.a. Syrie. Zij hebben mij zelf gewezen op dit kanaal en ik vind het heerlijk om naar te kijken. Nu kan ik zien waar jullie mee worstelen en over welke onderwerpen we het gaan hebben in het uurtje per week die wij samen on line hebben. Ze vinden het alle drie (ja ik heb drie leerlingen) echt heel erg leuk om naar te kijken. Ook o.a. Jovi"s Home is een van de favorieten. Dank je Bart voor je filmpjes.


I love the Brazilian couple! They are so funny!
