I failed the traffic test that I passed as a child

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To all the people who fell for the click bait. I’m sorry. I didn’t actually break the rules. The pedestrian areas I cycled in may all be used while cycling before noon. Even the first one, where the exemption sign stating that is missing.
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What a wonderful video. The centre of Utrecht is looking great these days!


Seeing the pictures from the 70's makes me realise that where most of europe is now - The Netherlands was 50 years ago. Truly a country of the future.


Honestly the greatest thing I take away from this is just how damn ugly asphalt is. The switch to red brick alone makes it so much prettier and nicer to be in.


This video is a masterpiece. Such an interesting way to tell the story of how an area has evolved


What strikes me the most about this video, is how insanely quiet it is. I know this point is constantly referenced, but ever since watching that NJB video I always find myself listening to the lack of road noise in these types of videos.


about the same age also had the test as a kid. living and having lived in utrecht all my life watching videos like this confuse me seeing the old pictures takes you back and remind you of things and people no longer with us but also shows how much has been changed and why i ride my bicycle each day in the city. Thanks Mark for the trip to memory lane....


This is one of the best videos you have ever made Mark - what a great idea!

Utrecht has changed so much, whereas the images from the 70s looked just like a town or city in England today - albeit we now have much heavier car traffic. I also realised that many of the separated cycle paths you had back then have been removed because they are no longer needed, whereas the few places in England that have installed them recently call them 'world class Dutch-style cycle lanes'...we are so behind the times!


"Today, cycling is not allowed" - proceeds to cycle there, right past the police headquarters.


Leuke video(s)! U heeft echt een hele aangename stem. Als Belg ben ik stikjaloers op de Nederlandse stadsplanningen en jullie fietspadennetwerk. Jullie staan echt mijlenver voor op België/rest van Europa. Hier in België begint er toch al het een en ander te veranderen, maar toch nog niet helemaal hoe het echt moet. Dit heeft natuurlijk veel te maken met de politiek, maar toch ook wel met de "bedrijfswagencultuur" die hier heerst.
We zullen zien wat de verkiezingen zeggen in 2024.


I am your age. We have seen personal computers and internet change the world. You have also experienced a revolution in personal transportation. The first advanced technology, the second returned to simpler machines and healthier lifestyle. These are good changes and I'm glad we were here for them.


I love whoever you're following at ~3:30. Two people and some large shopping bags on a bicycle "this is completely normal" :)


Something that stands out to me is how busy the streets are. So many people walking and cycling before noon. That's very different from the time both you and I did our cycling exams in 1977. I did mine in Amsterdam btw.


These are truly some excellent photos from the 70s! great to see how the places I've seen countless times have changed so much and so little at the same time


Utrecht looks beautiful. What a transformation.


As a person who just arrived in Utrecht a year ago, I couldn't even imagine the amount of car infrastructure that was here! Parking lots, roads, all of it even in the center! It was awful before! This really puts in perspective and I'm glad that I live in this city


That police officer in the beginning is my grandfather. Amazing to see him again in an random youtube video.


Just here to say that FLFL at 10:26, is quite possibly the tastiest falafel I have ever had.

Strongly recommend people visit


Can I congratulate you on this - it must have taken a lot of work.

It's probably the most informative one of your many excellent videos I have ever seem, and I will be pushing the video essay towards a few Cycling Commissioners and people responsible for urban environments in the UK.


It’s nice to see how far Netherlands has come, but it’s also astounding to see how far behind North America is. We’ve been fighting for years, even decades in some cases, to get what Utrecht had in the 70s, 80s, and 90s! This is where I really agree with NJB and say the “don’t give up on America” crowd is wrong. If it takes decades for 70’s era infrastructure, just imagine how long it will take before North American cities get to where the Dutch are today! I don’t even think a child born in North America today would live to see it! And this assumes that the political winds won’t shift and some politicians in the future won’t rip it all out and bring all the car infrastructure back.


Listen to this video without watching. The streets are so quiet! You can actually hear the people instead of the traffic.
