You guys remember tim and moby
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Moby isn’t real, all the people in brainpop are imagining moby. So I don’t know how many people watched this show growing up called tim and moby but this was basically something the teacher would put on in history class when she got tired of doing her job and honestly it was my favorite part of any class IDK I saw a robot and i was cool let me lock in see what the robot is saying but now I realize the robot was probably never real. Tim and all the other hosts are just imagining moby. Yes im doing lore for an educational robot im bored ok. All the background characters in the show are just looking at tim for talking loudly to no one. This would explain how they are able to go back in time with no machine and interact with the natives in one of the episodes. It’s all apart of his imagination. Nothing is real and we are watching the antics of a mad man as he runs around believing he is roommates with a robot. We watch as he imagines himself in impossible places and situations in a show grounded in reality. So basically Tim and all the other humans hosts are insane, and Moby isn’t real.