3 ways to beat bogus 'resisting arrest' charges (former cop explains)

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Police frequently exaggerate, embellish and outright lie to put bogus "resisting arrest" charges on people. But how can you fight back? In this video, a former cop (now a California criminal defense lawyer) explains.

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all that shit cost money if, u broke it's nothin u can do about it.


Dear attorney,

It is encouraging to see attorneys who (a) empower their clients with clear summaries of relevant laws, and (b) possess the courage to assertively challenge false stories of cops, or anyone lying, in order to secure justice.

In my encounters, defense attorneys have done nothing but pander to the other team. Step up and be brave if you must be to expose truth.

We need more lawyers like your team and Alan Dershowitz to stick it hard to the prosecutors and cops who railroad innocent persons based on the supposed infallibility of cops and presumption of guilt.

God bless you for having the guts to challenge liars, be they cops or civilians.

May God help you to preserve the good name of every innocent client you represent. Too often Goliaths of our world devour Davids due to raw advantage of docile defense teams. May the defense teams of innocent persons bind, seize, disarm and defeat those cops and prosectors who team together to forward bogus resisting arrest charges, while the cops conceal entirely their own grossly excessive force perpetrated against the falsely accused.

May God help you to seek justice for all. In the event a guilty client seeks your help, don't allow the client to lie.


Sound like lawyers I can't afford :-(


As far as I'm aware, resisting arrest is a victimless crime and only even a crime because cops need a charge they can use just to get back at someone - frequent use of resisting arrest charges is now known to be a sign of police corruption. That's why not only has it been made artificially serious, but its definition isn't limited to, you know, resisting arrest - for instance, in the states of California and Arizona, I know this makes no sense, but you can actually be charged with resisting arrest just for refusing to be handcuffed!

But there are countries where resisting arrest isn't actually a crime. For instance, in the United Kingdom, contrary to popular belief, resisting arrest will not lead to additional charges on top of all other charges - all it does is increase the likelihood that handcuffs will be used.


Hello from Texas, thanks for the info.


I am seeking assistance for an excessive force and brutality case going to trail next week. The trumped up assult occured in Las Vegas. Are these same steps applicable in Nevada? I need help to help this poor guy. Swat stormed his home, sent in an attack Dog and robot!!! He called for help thinking someone was breaking in! He's been sitting in jail for over a year because he refuses to cop a plea deal and a sentence! Man, injustice has to stop!


An ex cop and a lawyer. That equals pure evil putrid filth x 2.


Pi Hess motion? What is the usual outcome when resisting arrest of an officer?


I’m sure that’s what the falsely put down to explain the injuries !!! Hope that camera was on !!


The best thing to do is comply with the officers commands.


You can comply in arizona and still get beat. Kicked and put in prison and charged with a felony for getting beat. There is nothing you can do.but have your lufe ruined to where you can not rent a place to stay.


OH, thats simple! Dont break the fuggin law!!
